Both have electronic controlled heating and work mainly by convection, with a little conduction support that adds de metallic bowl when it’s heated, for being in contact with the herbs. They also include a liquid pad for resins, and can be heatten to 410ºF too, but I couldn’t try it out, so I can’t say anything about its efficiency with liquids or meltable stuff.
The visual feel it’s a bit bad in a first sight, because it looks a bit ugly (for me) and completely made of blavck plastic, with a plastic tube inhalation too, but held in hand it feels really solid and nice, with a good weight and being cold all the time. The Crafty feels light, and it’s comfortable in the pocket and using it.
The Mighty it’s much bigger, not being a problem when using it, but I wouldn’t carry it in the pocket. That’s justified by its autonomy, the screen and the control buttons, that need a bit more space.
I would say that the Crafty it’s designed for mid vapor consumers, or for those who need to carry it on the go, being a good idea to pair it with a portable USB battery, like those sold for recharging mobile phones.
The Mighty doubles its battery life, and heats a little faster, but it can’t be charged via USB, only using a wall plug. Both can be used while charging after a little time.
As the Crafty has no screen and only one button, it has two temperature presets; I mean, we press the button and it starts heating to 365ºF, and with pressing it again twice it heats to 383ºF. Those settings can be controlled with the smartphone app, that connects with the vaporizer via low consumption Bluetooth. This app also lets us configure the light intensity, the vibration, and much other things.
The Mighty needs to be powered on with the button, and only by setting the temperature and waiting about a minute and a half it will be ready. That’s it. We can inhale and enjoy.
Charging the bowl it’s easy, and can be done on the go without any problem, just grinding the herb and placing it on the hand, and then letting it fall into the bowl. It’s capacity it’s about 0.3g, and to expose the bowl we only have to twist the upper section of the vaporizer, which it’s fixed to it with two little plastic tabs.
They work nice with little charges, with the bowl completely full, with loose herbs or packing it a bit. It’s amazing.
This upper section also includes the vapor cooling system, made of some little plastic pieces that convert the straight vapor path in a meandering one, expanding its length, condensing the vapor and giving it time to arrive to our mouth completely fresh and tasty.
¡It’s really amazing how fresh it is! You’ll never burn your lips or get hot vapor inhalations, what really surprised me, because it was the first time I’ve felt that with a portable vaporizer. This combined with their about 80% convection vaporizing system makes the sessions really tasty, without showing toasty flavors soon, only when the herb is almost done.
Cleaning it it’s a charm, because you only need to keep clean the bowl using a brush or blowing it. The hardest part is cleaning the cooling system, disassembling the upper section of the vaporizer by pulling both parts one from inside the other, and cleaning it with isopropyl alcohol and a wipe. It can be done pretty fast.
So in resume, I would say that if the vapor quality it’s really important for you, you need to try them out. They are solid, easy to use, efficient, easy to clean, can be carried easily, charge relatively fast (crafty in 2h) and offer a high quality, tasty and cold vaporizing sessions. Maybe the only thing that annoys a little is that it will stop after a minute of use, what it’s good to save the battery, but it’s a bit bothering if you want to start using it and stop thinking about it. Any way, it will buzz to indicate it’s stopping, and it will do it again to show that the temperature set has been reached. So it’s not a big problem.
¡Nice Work, Sotrz & Bickel!
¡Thanks for reading!