Here are few posts (or part of) giving techniques, advices or tricks for Crafty and Mighty, coming from differents users. It's not exhaustive; maybe it can helps
I have absolutely not participate to one single post listed below...and don't get the Mighty yet...I did this as a reminder and only share it.
Thanks to all contributers (sorry if your pseudo is missing*).
- Auto shutoff :
Hitting it resets the clock when it reaches setpoint. So it is a minute of inactivity that turns it off.
- Bypass the battery :
So you're not actually bypassing the battery when you use the Mighty plugged in, right? I know that's true for the Crafty, but I was wondering if the Mighty ran off AC power when plugged in. Seems like that's not the case. (THX letter never sent)
- Cleaning technique :
As I recall the book recommends using Alcohol (ethyl) as a cleaning solvent, but don't soak it for more than 1 hour because plastic can discolor and turn brittle. It alternatively recommends using warm water with wash-up liquid, if not alcohol solvent. (THX Bill Densoyle)
- Cleaning cooling chamber :
I've been popping the cooling unit apart into its constituent pieces, swabbing each down with a q-tip/pipe cleaner soaked in ethanol to remove the major debris, and then dunking all of the pieces in ethanol. S&B recommends soaking for less than an hour, as Bill mentioned, but in my experience the whole thing is clean after soaking for only a couple of minutes.(THX philosopher). Then I rinse in cool water and let dry then reassemble.
- Cleaning herb chamber :
1. Brush out with included tool
2. Use warm water and/or iso alcohol applied to a q-tip and gently wipe the surfaces of the herb chamber including the screen. *Take Caution and do NOT use an excessive amount of water or alcohol when cleaning.*
3. Dry any excess moisture with a clean soft cloth
4. Done
- Disassemble :
A pre heat and some dry puffing ( or not so dry, lol) will warm up the resin and seals to make it easier to pull apart, just make sure you let it cool a tad before grabbing the screen area to pull apart. ()
I've found that it is much easier to separate chamber part if you do the following: Slide back the lock, push down on the small button at the end of the lock - this pushes the bottom of the cooling unit off the top without all of the pulling. Much easier and feels safer to me. (THX Vape4ever)
- Efficiency :
The efficiency of the unit goes down dramatically if you don't keep it clean.
- Hasch :
I either put some hash in-between layers of weed or in-between a halved oil pad. Worked really well. Make sure to use really small pieces. I vape it at max temp because I feel like I get the most vapor this way.
- Keep it clean :
I Fill the bowl half full and use the liquid pad on top on the load. This way nothing goes through the top screen but sweet tasty vapor (THX Gonzo)
- Large clouds :
I decided to just go all out and use the methods you fine folks here shared. Cleaned out the oil and material from cooling chamber, removed the original screen from the mouthpiece and cut down a cooling pad to fit in the screens place nicely. Now I get really large clouds of vapor (no more filtering my vapor through the material clog on the high-way to the mouthpiece

..), and I can tell when its finally finished. Now I just hope this liquid pad "screen" will do the job and keep most of the material out of the cooling chamber and after a bit I can just pop that screen out, clean it or vaporize whats in there.
- Nice Hits :
I've been experimenting with filling the bowl halfway and using the concentrate pad to take up the rest of the space. I don't have a scale currently but I can tell you what looks like the bowl have filled to me is exactly one packed UD nylon stem. This method with the concentrate pad and the vape set at 178c is producing very nice hits with great flavor. I am getting about 5-6 really nice hits (Or IMO what are nice hit) and the bowl is spent. (THX Gonzo).
- Less Odor :
Manage the arc of odor with temperature and draw. In other words I power down the unit right when it hits the targeted temp and then I suck it dry. (That sounded weird) Usually about 2-3 very long draws and right into a zippered pouch it goes. In short it is as manageable as the Pax which I consider stealthy enough.
I would recommend not charging with herb in the chamber. That definately violates my odor code.
- Oil and concentrate :
Use them in sandwich between herbs
- Plug :
The Instructions For Use say to first plug the charger into the Mighty, then hook it up to the electrical mains or "outlet." At the end of charging, first unplug the Mighty from the charger, then unplug the charger from the outlet. (THX Bill Densoyle)
- Plastic taste :
Give it a couple run throughs with some ABV if you don't wanna waste the weed. The newness flava will dissipate. I can't recommend doing empty burn offs because that just heats up the metal/plastic/ceramic and boasts the flava.
- Reclaim :
I just used some tweezers to gently scrape the inside chamber and got a pea-sized blob, this was after maybe 10 bowls. I just sandwiched it between a layer of flower and the oil pad and had a session that lasted AGES.
- Remove/replace screen :
I pop the screen out from the inside using the orange tool that came with the Mighty. The first initial push will flex the stock screen a bit but you can adjust it back once it pops out. (THX redijedi808)
- Remove bottom screen :
someone pulled it out with a tool and replaced it .
he said it's easy to do so but leaves some scratches from the screen in the chamber....
- Small loads :
S&B recommend putting the liquid pad over small loads. (THX Bill Densoyle)
" So I decided to poke out the screen on the cooling/MP unit and put the SS liquid pad in its place. Took a little bit of stuffing but it held surprisingly well. Also prevent debris from getting past the oven because of the pad" (THX NickDlow). Don't cratch the sides of the oven the way you paced the oil pad !
- Stirring :
No stirring required
- Take care mouthpiece :
This is the plastic part, above the filling chamber on the power button side, that the cooling unit attaches to. So putting excess weight on the mouthpiece will be a no-no moving forward. Also, I wont be putting on the cooling unit backwards any more. When you do this you can turn the cooling unit farther than normal which results in more pressure being placed on those points. Also, I will not be securing the filling aid as tightly as before either.
- Take care when cleaning :
Do not clean the filling aid with ISO, it fucks it up. Also, if you wash all of your cooling unit parts together and you lose an o-ring, check inside the mouthpiece.
- Take care Hologram :
I removed the hologram slide the first time...never again!
Not sure why they say to do it in the manual, much more of a pain then it's worth. I found it quite difficult to get on/off.
There are surely other to remember...
Please tell me if you see error as I can make adjustments.
* Sorry if your pseudo is missing I did not think to copy pseudos when I began this