When comparing session results -- capsules vs direct -- keep two points in mind:
- Load weight differences, direct holds more, this may be skewing perceptions
- placebo effect, you know which is which, maybe if wife packed and didn't identify
You're right about direct holding more, but there is absolutely no mistake nor placebo....the difference is night and day...... although another crucial variable is the grind consistency. I'm a coarse grind fan, due to better taste and airflow and most importantly for me, comfort. This results in lighter vapour clouds. On today's schedule, Mighty Medic Capsule Fine Grind testing!
Perpetual testing keeps it all interesting, for sure.
I hope I never find the perfect load. Must. Keep. Trying....everything!
I enjoy
Full, fluffy bowls, medium grind. Sure, sandwich some kief in there sometimes. Tamp it tighter sometimes.
Half bowl with domed screen in a Crafty cu.
Half or less with a Pac man screen on top.
Half bowl with pad on top, but not often.
Various gymnastics with a Muzzmod, but usually other water adapters. 90% of home use is thru water.
Capsules in the car! or anytime on the go! On a longer trip they're even easier than filling a Grasshopper.
Some honey oil on the pad or mixed with flower, or maybe in a small ball of cotton.
All of the above and more when shared with my real honey.
for quicker or solo hits, I (we) use a Hopper.