Okay so after reading this whole Mighty thread and having my MiniVap die last month and debating whether to buy or not, I finally broke down and bought the Mighty from PuffItUp. Using the FC discount I was able to get the Mighty, Wear and Tear Kit, & Seal Kit for ($376) Less than a Mighty alone from anywhere else.
I purchased late last Monday afternoon, received Thursday afternoon. Wow, with free shipping too

This Thing is Fucking Awesome! Can't believe I waiteds soooo long to buy this Incredible device. I've used it probably 6-8sessions and have charged it Twice since initially charging. And it charges Quickly. I Love the filling aid, it works great! The build quality is what's expected of S&B. And I feel it's rather nice. Feels good in the Hand. Not too big for me, just right, and my hands aren't too big. Easily fits in Jeans pocket and other pockets.
The Vapor Quality is Excellent

It's like a miniature version of my Digital Volcano or a Way Small, Way Cool Plenty I'm amazed at the Vapor Quality, Density, Temp and I'm gonna say that it's on Par with those. I've only used Full bowls and haven't tried the Concentrate Pad yet. Don't think I'll use much less material, as Full is just right for my medicating session. Nicely medicated after one Full bowl

. Not sure I'll use concentrates in it, don't want to Mess it up. Plus I have lots of W9Tech Oil Equipment for that. How Messy is doing dabs on Liquid Pad??
So in conclusion, I

my new Mighty. I'm completely and extremely Satisfied with my purchase!! Anyone on the fence like I was, have No Fear and buy with confidence. Only Time will tell how it holds up, as I plan on using it at least 2-4 times daily.
Peace All and Happy Vaping