I received my order 8/22/11. Everything, with the exception of the VAPECASE was delivered. Seller offered to either send an unfinished case, or refund. I accepted a $10 refund for the case. However, upon inspection of the Magic-Flight Launch Box, I noticed that it was missing the serial number, needed for Magic-Flight's Lifetime Warranty. I contacted both the seller and Magic-Flight about this matter. The seller informed me, they specifically state in the ad, these are un-serialized units and that CT Power Tools, would honor the warranty. Though I never saw notice of any such claim.
However, Magic-Flight has a different view on this. Their statement on this specific issue is:
"We have seen this happen in the past with "CT Power tools" -- sanding off serial numbers -- and then lying to customers about it. They are *NOT* a legitimate seller and have a history of being in violation of various policies and laws in the past. Unfortunately for them, sanding off serial numbers (on any product) is a felony in most states -- it is merely a matter of time before there are serious problems in store for them. There are various federal statutes regarding this as well. We strongly recommend that anyone who has purchased from them report them to Amazon with a request for full purchase price restitution and to also issue a recommendation of their being banned from doing any further business there."
Please check into this matter. Under advice and request of Magic-Flight, I have shipped the entire package back to them. Also, consider refunding the remaining balance of $109.23 to my account. You can view a picture of the area, where its obvious the serial was sanded off, here: