Hello all,
I felt it necessary to comment and inform. I received my box in February after reading and reading but never having vaped. I was pleased as punch, but never seemed to get what others showed in videos and comments. Charging and purchasing top of the line batteries did not seem to help. Bought a new charger thinking that was my problem. Herbs were disappearing at an alarming rate without the results I expected. Going thru multiple fully charged batteries for one trench. After conversations with Blisssville it was finally determined to send me a replacement. I received it Saturday and to my surprise there must have been something wrong with the original. If everyone conducted their business the way Blisssville does, life would be much simpler and enjoyable. They responded to emails quickly, even on the week-ends. Back to the point, after receiving the new one, moved the current used trench to the new one with the same used battery, the difference was unbelievable. I had tried every trick from all the videos posted on how to achieve the best vape. Well now that my box works properly, all of the suggestions work without any issue. If you are not getting the results you expected, it may be your box. I wish I would have known this in Feb, about 1 1/2 oz ago. I am a very happy camper and my mflb not only will stay with me as before, but keep me pleasantly happy. Keep up the great work.