
yeah Wilf89. Sorry Wilf. I bought mine as two shipments. Whilst double shipping charges, the value of each package was brought below the import threshold, resulting in a net win for me.
But Wilf tried and got totally hammered for double shiping charges, double Royal Mail Handling fee (8 each package) and the same 20% import VAT anyway. I can only guess it was due to currency exchange fluctuations.
So can't advise that route anymore. I also have to say that I have yet to import anything from the US that should be taxed without it being taxed, so IME they're pretty hot on it. Searching google does show up plenty of people who have not been taxed when they should have though. Guess they're lucky.
It's not actually the tax I object to- we all have to pay taxes and it's for the common good. No, it's the compulsory 8 handling fee that Royal Mail adds on that really gets me. It's extortion, and most of the time it's heaps more than the actual taxes are anyway.
I think it's a hit you're just gonna have to take if you want the PA. Most of the US vape stuff doesn't work out any cheaper once it's available for retail here anyway, if anything still more expensive than importing.