I feel that using the LB in a plane is riskier than using it in other places or situations because a plane is a confined space, and you have nowhere to go if the cat gets out of the bag.
If you stop in a washroom at a busy mall (or some place similar), hit the LB, and leave, you blend in with hundreds of people who pass through the mall and the washroom throughout a day. If you hit the LB on a plane, and someone gets some indication of what's up, there's nowhere to go and no way to dispose of the LB and herb. You can't blend in. You're in a small place that you can't get out of, with a specific number of other people, and a seat/ticket in your name, and the LB and herb in your possession.
While people may be very certain that they are not letting out any odour/vapour on exhale or that nobody will even notice that they're doing something "different," there
is always a possiblity that someone is going to smell it or become suspicious for some other reason. It is in no way a sure thing that every hit you take in every circumstance is going to be odour/suspicion free.
I think that hitting the LB on a plane is probably the most dangerous place to do it because of all the reasons I listed above, plus the important fact that security policies are very strict on planes. In order to find a similarly dangerous place to use the LB on the ground, you'd have to go to a police station or military base or something of that nature, and even those places might be safer than a plane because buildings are usually more airy and less enclosed than a plane. Depending on the number of stops and the ability (or inability) to open windows, I would place a train and a bus behind a plane as the most dangerous places to use the LB, but with the ability to open a window and more frequent stops (where you can get off, if need be), trains and buses are definitely less risky than a plane.
Now, aside from everything I've said above, there is also the cost-benefit analysis. By that I mean, do the positives of using the LB on a plane (being medicated for the plane trip)
really outweigh the negatives that would come with being caught doing it? These negatives are much more negative than being high on a plane is positive. The negative repercussions of being caught affect the user who gets caught, but also LB users in general, as the LB becomes recognized by air travel security. If one person gets caught using the LB on a plane, then the rest of us might not even be able to get ours through security.
I just don't believe that being stoned for a flight is so important that it's worth all the negative risk.
My belief about keeping the LB stealthy is that when you have to option to be even a little more inconspicuous (with little effort), it's probably a good idea. If you have the option of stepping into a public washroom (or some other kind of alcove) instead of doing it directly in front of someone who could conceivably ask what you're doing, it's probably preferable to seclude yourself in some way.
I think walking just 5 feet to go around a corner to get away from a more public/high traffic area is a good idea. I'm not saying that we need to be as protective and secretive as possible, seeking out the most private and secluded place you can find (the way you might if you were trying to find the type of secluded area you'd need if you wanted to combust).
I'm not suggesting that people go through extrodinary efforts to conceal it. I'm suggesting that when all it takes is a minimal effort to draw less attention, then maybe we should put in that minimal effort, rather than being blatant/brazen about hitting the LB.
I'm saying that if we have the option to draw less attention to ourselves with relative ease (moving a short distance to lessen chances of being caught), it is a good idea. I think a 30-60 second walk to a more isolated area is better than right in front of people's faces, because 30-60 seconds just isn't that much, and it's a small price to pay to ensure that nothing bad happens.