duh said:
I'm curious as to why you hate Volcanoes, but that is another thread, I spose.
Tried all the various models of the V in amsterdam when I was there, and quickly wrote it off as one of those vapes that doesn't work for me. Add the bag models and I just hate the idea/methodology of hitting a bag. Personal preference really, but I don't think I get too toasted from V's. Its like 'Purps' or 'Kush', or a "jarome Baker" bong, or even roor. Its just a name imo a marketing ploy, and that doesnt justify the expense.
rayski said:
Thanks so much for your very very helpful post kingcrimson... Can't say my bud looks as good as yours does. Nice trichs!
Anytime my friend. I was just so blown away by the box I want others to be able to experience great vaping on the fly and on the cheap. And as for my bud... good I'm glad yours doesn't look like that

- I hope to be a grower/breeder someday, even if only as a hobby, so hopefully that means I'm doing my thing right.
magicflight said:
Wow! Awesome post!
Thank you!
Any chance I could get your permission send it to our webmaster to add it to our testimonials section? Especially since it is a direct and informed comparison to the Iolite? We get questions about that from time to time.
-- Magic-Flight
Edit: PS: I love the Battery Cube -- thats a great idea.
Of course you may! I'm honored. You can use my review from a page or two back too if you like as well, or my pics, or my vids. Anything I can do to help.
As for the battery cube, I love it to. It is 100% impossible for me to use 16 batteries in a day, so the cube is a perfect travel option for me. Now I'm trying to figure out how to get a jigsaw to cut a nice rectangular hole to slide my box into as well. Hit the first inch of the rectangle hole with a hole saw so you can get your fingers in and pinch out the box when its flush in there. Im so enamored with woodworking at the moment, unfinished wood gain just looks cool. The one pictured is actually #5 or 6 lol, took me a while to figure out how to space the holes without cracking others, and other things. When i get around to finishing this one or the next one with the box-hole I'm going to route the edges and really give it a nice style. Either way though, I'm no craftsman and would honestly prefer if you guys offered something alone these lines that I could buy knowing it was made well, lol. Pics of my further experimenting in the mill to come...
stickstones said:
kc, what's your technique for hitting the LB next to someone without them knowing? ... I own three different portable models and have used two others and typically find that each portable has its own strengths and weaknesses that either make it right or wrong for each individual person and/or situation...
... What techniques are you guys using and how much use did it take to get it down?
When hitting it in ultra stealth mode, I use the 'nub' mouthpeice so that the entire device fits in my palm. I hit at a speed just below what would cause the material to swirl in the chamber (just under too fast)k, which gives me a minimum for visible vapor.
The nub happens to be my preferred mouthpeice despite getting a little warm on occasion, and when not in stealth mode, I can get large cloudy hits from the LB, which is something I want. You just have to hit it in that fassion, which is a long slow sip, take a little bit of air every 5 seconds or so to allow the most efficient possible diffusion of vapor/oxygen in your lungs and to allow the screen to remain at max. temp.
All in all it took me the day I got my LB to figure it out, very short learning curve, people who I hand it to generally figure it out quickly too, with the exception of those smokers who would even have trouble finding the carb on a glass pipe. LB might not be for them, lol.
And as for the LB's weakness... its obviously a personal device. It can work in a group setting, but I prefer to give everyone their own trench and battery over passing the vape. I mean, its billed as a personal stealth portable, its no shocker that at home group use isn't exactly it's main strength. So I see it less as a weakness and more of a niche, but still I find your analysis to be right on, not all vapes are for all users for sure.
owin said:
I've only had my LB for a couple days and only used it a few times but I can say that I get more satisfying hits than I do with the VG. Everyone talking about how the LB doesn't give you visible vapor when you hit it but I have to disagree from my experiences so far. ... and the fact that you can use it no matter how windy it is outside...
Yes! I love hitting it with my ac on full blast or outside in the wind and it doesnt matter a bit. If anything its more stealth because the little vapor that is produced and visible outside just gets blown away.
But yeah, as for this 'not much visible vapor' stuff, I specifically try to get vapor and do every hit, often clouds. Its only when Im trying to be discrete that Ill use a vaporless, or less vapor (to be more accurate) producing technique.
I also cough from the box, which again is something I personally enjoy. I've always held the belief that coughing gets you higher, and the coughs that the box rarely causes (only when I take the largest milkiest hits, probably just because its closest to combustion than the other styles of hitting it), are as different from combustion coughs as a vaping stone is different from a combustion stone, ie, their very shallow, short, and seldom more than a 'cough, cough' type of thing. Not ever have I been doubled over wheezing and gasping for air, but I certainly have my fair share of coughing fits, again, likely because I prefer it and specifically try to.
Last night I was on a trip to and from undisclosed locations, and as I happened to hit the box for my first time that leg of the trip, in the middle of repacking the trench after agitating it, a crusier that I now realized had been behind me for god knows how long, just walked on by me going at least 80. If I had been smoking with a flame, or perhaps even the bigger and more visible II, I surely would have caught his attention. Lucky, lucky me.
I have another idea as well, is anyone else bothered by the reflectivity of the plexi top? I feel like while using it in my car I get paranoid about shining a light into the wrong person or polices' eyes, attracting attention. Anyone think a matte plexi top over a glossy one would be better, or am I just partially insane?