Careful. Best go read it again? As I read it he got a replacement box (for an old standart 'no latch' box).
He said "I might treat myself to a walnut collection of MF products" which I took to mean he's considering getting one???
Aha! I see what you mean now. I didn't realize that Magic-Flight started making the Finishing Grinder and WPA in walnut as well! I was under the impression that only the Boxes were being made with exotic woods. There's my confusion

Well, the fact that you can control the power going to it certainly helps. Vapor production from the LB depends on a good grind consistency, proper moisture levels of the material, serviceable draw technique, and a steady source of power. The first is easy, grind it as fine as you can. The second as well, I find that dry material vaporizes better than moist/"just off the nug" stuff. Less water to vaporize = more goodies in the vapor = more fun with less. Technique is personal so I won't expand much on it other than "if you're getting good vapor and making it progress in color from green to dark brown and not blackening/charring your stuff, you're probably doing it right." Which brings us to the last one. Power. This tends to be the limiting factor after you really understand how to use the box. That's not to say that I don't like the batteries or that there's something wrong with using them, because they're great. It's just, they don't allow you the ability to experiment more with your box and your strain on hand. I can pop in the power adapter and key the power really low, so low that barely any visible vapor is created. Inhale slowly, get a feel for what the strain tastes like. Lung-full of the terpenes/flavinoids of the goods. Turn it up so high that it would char in about 3 seconds if I didn't inhale. I like it because when I get sativas, I can set the power to around 35-40% and get a good selection of THC, and when I get indicas I'll go higher to get those CBD's out of it. It's a bit harder to do that as precisely with batteries. You can inhale faster to drop the temperature, but that's not going to be as accurate as having the power source topping out at that specific range.how much of a difference does the pa actually make? what other vapes, in terms of vapor production, would you compare it to?
The other good thing going for it is the fact that it has its own lifetime warranty, same as the box. For $65 after taxes and shipping, I'd totally buy it again if I lost it. Don't forget about the batteries, though! I relied on my PA for so long that I neglected my batteries for a while... until the power went out one night! I thought "shit the power's out and i can't use my OH MAN WHERE ARE THE BATTERIES?!" And sure enough, they were plugged into the charger on the wall. One battery was enough for the rest of the night as the power came back on two hours later.
My goodness do I ramble.