a glass vial has a little disadvantage, glass breaks easily, especially when you're around clumsy people or have cats at homethere are aluminium containers, of course, but there is just something i like more about wood. especially, when the claims of the microclimatic benefits of a wooden stashbox made by the manufacturers of the 00 pocket box are true( they won awards at the spannabis, if that matters). why not use the 00 pocket box on the go? well, its opening is unnecessary big for filling the lb in windy conditions, which leads to loss of herbs. i know, a flat wooden stashbox espicifically designed for beeing used with the lb is not high on a priority list, but it's a nice to have.
Though it is not an original idea, I love using a contact lens case. One side has fresh, one side has ABV. Cheap, easy to find, very small form factor, never leaks, and it pours out perfectly as the diameter of the box is slightly bigger than the diameter of these cases. I grind a bunch up fine, load that in a Tic-Tac case, and tap it into the contact lens case for 3-4 loads on the go. You can fit that case, a couple of batteries, the brush, and the box in that black bag that comes with it. All you need in your pocket with no wasted space!