I fetched my magic flight order today, happy to see every item in a solid state. Throw a quick look on the orbiter, gorgeous. Exited to try it later today.
The dart stems are hot stuff, too. Got a maple and a walnut one. (i approved myself the need of walnut backup box with it

They are both very different, the maple being more on the bulky side and the walnut smaller and more elegant. Only tried the maple one yet and I like it. The tail of the stem fits easy on the lips and I feel I make little more relaxed expression while drawing then with a round stem.
Now to the herbal blend "feelin fine".
First thing I noticed while opening was the intense smell of the peppermint, very aromatic. As a first approach I wanted to use the herbs as I would with the casual material. Scaled 0.2g, prepared it with the finishing grinder and found the same looking trench as usual. I let the freshly juiced battery pre heat 5 seconds, slow-draw 5 seconds, release battery and suck the remaining vapor up. This I can usually repeat up to 18 times, with the feelin fine loaded i noticed a slightly fewer hits.
The first 4 draws let you taste the peppermint extremly and a refreshing layer of mint lays on your throat with very little amounts of vapor, lot lesser then used to be.
Draws 5-12 start to produce more vapor, but not as much as usually at this time. The taste alternates from the peppermint to the lemon balm side, though the peppermint stays present the whole time. Maybe placebo but I really feel a little warm and calm in a very slight manner.
The draws 13-16 rapidly decrease in vapor and taste, though slightly present.
Draws 17-30 didn't produce any vapor and only a slight taste, could be present in the mouth also.
Needed 45 minutes to vape through.
In pictures:
In terms of taste I don't know how the Damiana tastes solely but the overall taste i would describe as peppermint dominant, slowly morphing into lemon balm. I think I like the taste, the cooling effect on the throat lasts about 30 minutes. It's a nice taste but very present, just like mint. I guess it will not fit with all combinations of drink or food alongside.
I was curious about the obvious and grabbed a bag of peppermint tea, ripped it open and poured some into the blank trench. It needed 20 seconds of heating to create any vapor and the taste wasn't as pleasant, but the idea of the dominant peppermint-taste is compareable. So, if you're still unsure if you would like it, don't do the same as me, cause I am an idiot and have no clue if there is any danger in vaping something which isn't meant for it.
Made another trench of feelin fine and vaped it in 16 draws within 30 minutes, same experience as before. Feel no need to go further through the trench.
Will split a common herb trench in four sizes next and mix it in four different ratios:
1:10 for having a "used to be two draws" calm effect after a whole trench
1:5 to stay nicely baked over an evening
3:10 to try getting three calm sessions with one trench
1:2.5 to get baked with a mate
Will report back when I've done so, will take a few days though.
Hope this whole mess is reasonable and could give a clue about what to expect.
Excuse me for now, will take a shower and dress up fancy, got a first-time date with a bubbler tonight.