Is it normal for a box to produce light vapor/smoke when it's empty?
really surprised that works for you, when i had mines round 2 years ago i was puffin away in the shower, still reeked alot. idk if it was the steam pushing it out or something.Such fond memories of mornings in the bathroom stall at work, puffing away on my MFLB.
really surprised that works for you, when i had mines round 2 years ago i was puffin away in the shower, still reeked alot. idk if it was the steam pushing it out or something.
Of the many MFLB owners that also have log vapes, have you compared
the efficiency of the two?
I'm thinking my log vape (Toasty Top) is noticeably more efficient...
Of the many MFLB owners that also have log vapes, have you compared
the efficiency of the two?
I'm thinking my log vape (Toasty Top) is noticeably more efficient...
Just tried my finishing grinder in my MFLB and SSV,the the MFLB was the best trench I have vaped yet.
I used to try to imitate the finishing grinder by using my grinder upside down,this is much better than before.
Now I'm off to try this fine grind in my volcano
Hey so is it normal for warranty claims to be answered past the normal 48-72 hour window for response? I filed the e-form for the warranty on my box for a torn screen on Wednesday. I haven't received any response yet from magic flight other than the instant confirmation email you get when you send the claim.
Doesn't sound out of the norm. MF is a pretty small company and they have the liberty of taking the weekends off. Wednesday to Friday is only two days, weekend off, and then Monday would be the third day. I know it seems kinda weird but that's how they've always been. I know, kinda hard to plan around a vape emergency like that, but what can we do?Hey so is it normal for warranty claims to be answered past the normal 48-72 hour window for response? I filed the e-form for the warranty on my box for a torn screen on Wednesday. I haven't received any response yet from magic flight other than the instant confirmation email you get when you send the claim.
Just bought the $40 bubbler from pipesdaddy. Looking for the best way to hook this up to my MFLB. Would like to use this with my dabbler as well. Any help is appreciated.
That tube (from another source) should work fine, it does for me with a short piece of 1/4 Acrylic tube (like the original stems) to mate with the box. I found a short tube worked best for me, although a longer tube made shaking between hits easier (no need to remove the box from the rig).
For Dabbler I use a short piece of nesting tube (3/8 ID) to adapt up in ID, although you might make an Omicron MP work?
You're going to like it once you get the details worked out.
Why another source?
I get all my high temp silicone tubing from goflowsystems and find it to be quality stuff ... maybe you know a better source?