Bushido said:
What is any of your techniques with the MFLB. I dont know if I'm quite doing it right. My vapor hits are really small. I'll pack a relatively small bowl and it takes me like 6, maybe 7 hits to get it off
pretty much:
grind herb up fine as possible
fill to almost level, i usually fill it about 3/4 way though, make sure its all in the trench
put a fresh battery in and look down the suck-hole, make sure you see the LED (if yours has one) light up pretty brightly. If you dont see it light or if its dim, twist/wiggle the battery a bit until it is.
once you see vapor start forming and escaping the hole, start sucking as slowly as you can. I sometimes have trouble hitting my LB because of how soft i have to hit it, I have a hard time gettin my hit speed that low if i'm taking it right to the lungs, so i kinda use my mouse/throat to pull, hard to explain. I usually try to make my hits last as long as i can, 15-20 seconds is ideal.
a second or two before you stop hitting, pull the battery, which of course gives a bigger flow of air to clear the trench area of any vapor still in there.
turn LB up-side-down to get the herb away from the heat source while you're not hittting it.
shake it all around, turn it right-side-up, shake it side to side to get stuff in trench, and repeat.
Try hitting it with and without the stems. Make sure your lips aren't blocking the holes and keeping you from getting a good hit.
it took me a while to get the hang of the LB (a lot longer than my DBV, which just came more natural to me, since you can hit it however fast you want by adjusting temp). The herb i had when i first got mine was really moist, so i had trouble getting it to vape in the LB or getting it ground down as fine as i wanted it. What i ended up doing was grinding up the whole bag and sitting it out on a tray to dry for a while, and then i would regrind the stuff even finer in a small grinder b4 loading it. Helped a good bit, but a different drier type of herb helped even more.