Rookies. I use my fingernail to flip and scrape (the stubs, I can't trim off... short nails, one of my OCD). 

Rookies. I use my fingernail to flip and scrape (the stubs, I can't trim off... short nails, one of my OCD).![]()
I think that most of us clean the box too often which can be a
detriment to long term reliabilty. Good looks or good performance?
The screen is most stressed right where those deposits form and I've always felt that the less scraping and rubbing on that part, the better. The deposits don't affect performance, they're just ugly. I find them easy to ignore, but I guess it depends on your level of OCD.
My MFLB failed were the screen passes over these rails. I always was cleaning them off. I noticed the screen seemed weaker here... and it eventually tore. Coupled along with a failing power adapter (you had to press really hard with a coin on the button to get it to turn on) and freaking out about not being able to vape....
Being to impatient for the waruntee I overnighted an Arizer Solo to myself. The MFLB has its place (true stealth and small footprint when powered by AA)... but the Solo blows it out of the water.
Being to impatient for the waruntee I overnighted an Arizer Solo to myself. The MFLB has its place (true stealth and small footprint when powered by AA)... but the Solo blows it out of the water.
I have a question I have had my MFLB for about 1 1/2 years but I haven't used it in like 1 year. I been using the batteries in my Xbox. I tried to turn the MFLB on and nothing happened. Do I need more batteries or do I need to send it in? The batteries are the silver ones they provide
Most likely you need new batteries.
First off, Howdy, welcome to the forum. I assume you've been using a different vape you like more? If not, we can probably give a few suggestions based on your conditions.I have a question I have had my MFLB for about 1 1/2 years but I haven't used it in like 1 year. I been using the batteries in my Xbox. I tried to turn the MFLB on and nothing happened. Do I need more batteries or do I need to send it in? The batteries are the silver ones they provide
I have a question I have had my MFLB for about 1 1/2 years but I haven't used it in like 1 year. I been using the batteries in my Xbox. I tried to turn the MFLB on and nothing happened. Do I need more batteries or do I need to send it in? The batteries are the silver ones they provide
Alright let me explain my story to answer all these questions. Bought the MFLB about 1 1/2 years ago after reading about it on here and GC. I had previous experience of vaporizers with a knockoff volcano. I messed with the box a couple months but didn't like it that much.
Fast forward a month ago I bought a SSV after wanting to get a Volcano and researching and seeing it isn't definately the top vape as I had come to believe previously. Then randomly this morning I was like iJll tale the box with me and that's when I discovered the batteries didn't work. The orange light doesn't light up that's the first thing I checked.
The batteries are definately charged I've been using them for my Xbox controller everyday for the past year. In fact, they were in until I read OF's post
The batteries are definately charged I've been using them for my Xbox controller everyday for the past year. In fact, they were in until I read OF's post
The LB has somewhat different power demands than your Xbox controller.
The light sometimes fails. If the LB isn't heating up at all, then you have a warranty claim. You should try new batteries first, though. The LB has somewhat different power demands than your Xbox controller.
That's not a given. The box needs well over a hundred times the power of your Xbox, they could be on their last legs and Xbox would still be happy. The light doesn't lie, no light, no vapor (it's the law....).
Dollars to doughnuts you need batteries strong enough to light that light.
Yea I never doubted the fact that the box needs more power than maybe some other electronics. I wouold more or less saying I'm passed more simple recommendations like charging the batteries etc. I figured they were the batteries. Funny I randomly bought some other rechargeable batteries about a week ago.
Ok so now I guess what kind of batteries would you recommend? If I can go physically buy them today that would be cool but if not that is cool too