
Well-Known Member
Giday all, I'm a long time lurker first time poster.
First of all I love your forum, its great, I've learnt so much from reading here.
I have been vaping for about six months after combusting for about thirty years, thanks to the MFLB I no longer combust anything. I love the magic flight.
I've got a couple of questions I'd like to ask. I've noticed quite a few of you use Eds tnt stems, they look real nice, but which length do you all prefer, does it make a difference using the shorty compared to full length? are the full length the same as the standard stem that comes with the launch box?
My other question is, has anyone from Australia ordered one of these stems? and were there any hassles getting the stem through customs? I just know Aussie customs can be a bit tough on imported goods made from timber and wondered if I ordered some stems if I would have any hassles getting them in. Thanks for your time.


Wych Doctor
Not sure about shipping to Australia but I love both the long and short Ed's stems for different uses. The full length are the same as the stock glass stems in size and are great when I'm relaxing at a friends. The shortys I use when I'm in a bar or generally out and about as it's more stealth. Both have a really nice feel and taste and imo compliment the MFLB.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about shipping to Australia but I love both the long and short Ed's stems for different uses. The full length are the same as the stock glass stems in size and are great when I'm relaxing at a friends. The shortys I use when I'm in a bar or generally out and about as it's more stealth. Both have a really nice feel and taste and imo compliment the MFLB.
OK thanks for that,J.R.R.Tokin. Do you find the longer lengths are smoother? they both look good, but I kind of like the look of the shorties but thought the longer might be more smooth. Though for the first few months of having my box I never used the stem at all, now I seem to prefer it.


Herbal Alchemist
Does anyone use their PA at max power? I have been doing so lately to get as close to combustion as possible. It helps my pain and nausea a lot better, and it's a lot better than smoking.


Wych Doctor
I definitely prefer to have a stem then hit native. As to the length - lemme do a quick test here - I wouldn't say one is smoother than the other but it seems that it's easier to get bigger clouds with the shorty (less drag maybe?).
If I were you I would get one of each, full length and shorty, to make sure you find the perfect combo for you. You clearly love your MFLB so why not treat it (and yourself) to a couple of classy accessories that will enhance the enjoyment you get from your box? (at least that's how I view it.)


Well-Known Member
I first got my LB in September last year but only just started using it regularly a couple of weeks ago and I really, really love it.

The first day that I tried it last year didn't go that well as I had something else on my mind at the time which lead to a pretty mediocre 'high' (which was definitely all to do with my mindstate and nothing to do with the LB) so I wasn't that keen to use it for a while after that, which is why I stuck with the Vaporgenie which I had bought a month or so before the LB. I still love the VG and plan to continue using it in the future but right now the LB is just unfuckwithable.

From early December to early February, I didn't get high a single time as I was staying with family most of the time and didn't feel comfortable doing so, then when things went back to normal I finally got to get high after 8-9 weeks (using the VG) and it was surprisingly pretty mediocre/anticlimactic after all that time, which is actually fairly typical after all the mental buildup of thinking it's gonna be amazing. So that experience put me off again and I went another month without vaping (or smoking) anything, until I finally decided to give the LB another go about 2 weeks ago, thinking that if it wasn't that good again I was just gonna stop altogether. It felt so great to finally have experienced a good high after having one average one over the course of 12 or so weeks... and every high I've had since then has been fucking awesome too. I think I had gone so long without it that I'd started to get a very warped/negative view of life, where I felt like everything was completely fucked up in a serious way, but a little bit of herb calmed me down and brought me back to 'reality' haha. The last couple of weeks I've been consuming more herb via the LB than I would usually but it definitely feels like my best option at the moment rather than the self deprivation bullshit I often do to myself for some strange reason. I have the LB to thank for giving me a perfect method of consumption that is just infinitely more pleasant and convenient than combustion. As much as I still like the VG, I could never get my herb vaped to a degree that it was even light brown, it was always still green when I was done, just darker. So I would get very high which was awesome but without any of the body effects, or any of the sleep benefits, i.e. if I used the VG I'd often go asleep pretty high but wake like 3-4 hours later, but the LB gives me a more balanced high that feels closer to the effects of smoking, without the horrible process of actually smoking, which is just perfect.

I'd been using the acrylic stem with the LB most of the time until I read that 'native mode' without a stem is the recommended way to use it. I definitely feel like the hits are better (and more flavorsome) using it without the stem and I could be wrong but it feels like I'm getting more high using it in native mode as well? Yesterday I packed about half as much as I'd previously been doing and without the stem I got really high, to the point where my eyes couldn't keep themselves open about 3 hours later so I went to bed and got like 12 hours of quality sleep.

The first time I tried it without the stem a couple of weeks ago something strange happened, but I dunno if it has anything to do with the LB or herb or what. I vaped what was leftover in the trench from the day before, and about 5 minutes later I started to tremble a bit and get tremors in my head, and I couldn't stop chattering my teeth and actually almost bit my tongue a few times while trying as hard as I could not to. I wasn't really cold or shivering but I felt this weird tremor at the back of my skull. I wasn't even that high so it wasn't some weird panic attack kinda reaction, as I'd only done the little bit that was still in the trench, so just enough to get lightly baked, but that freaked me out a little bit. I was wondering could it have been because the herb was left in the trench overnight (in the LB tin, so not like open to the air or anything) or was it the more direct stream of vapor that I wasn't used to as I'd been using the stem up to that point? I thought maybe it was a low blood sugar or blood pressure thing too but not really sure. A similar thing happened when I first started using the VG last year, a couple of times I got pretty bad tremors but more in my upper body than in my head, and accompanied by shivering and feeling cold, but that was probably a combination of blood pressure being lowered after vaping and my house just being fairly cold at the time as it was winter. This is a very longwinded post but just wondering if anyone else experienced anything similar as it's only happened to me once with the LB, after using it in native mode the first time, and it freaked me out a bit but I'm sure it's nothing to do with the LB itself as that doesn't make any sense... wow this really is a very long post haha.

Basically I fucking love being able to vape in my bedroom without any real worries about a noticeable and lasting smell, at least no more than the herb itself. I didn't even realize till a couple of weeks ago that it's been over 6 months since I've combusted, I didn't even mean to stop but vaping is just so much better in so many ways.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Hey there! I've only been using my LB for just over two weeks, and I effing love it too!

But what you describe sounds pretty serious. I haven't experienced any of those reactions--only being super vaked and therefore sleepy/goofy/delightful. I'd suggest telling your doctor. If you don't feel comfortable telling your current doctor, find one you with whom you feel comfortable divulging everything. Just my two cents.

Apart from that, I'm glad you dig your LB. I read so much about it before I bought it, I just felt it was the essential vaporizer regardless of what else I owned, and will (hopefully) soon own.



Does anyone use their PA at max power? I have been doing so lately to get as close to combustion as possible. It helps my pain and nausea a lot better, and it's a lot better than smoking.

My LB trench would explode into a fiery ball of combustion, if I cranked my PA to full.




You first! :suspicious:

EDIT: So once again, giving credit to Seek for inspiring me to look into more and some anonymous dude I found on the 'net. I put together Mason Jar Bubbler v1.1. The tubing the anonymous guy suggested, is food grade and conveniently fits perfectly, into the stem hole on the MFLB. Now, I know its not an "all glass" airway. I did this on a budget consisting of charity and food stamps right now... so does it get the job done, is all I care about.

So I upgraded and renamed Mason Jar Bubbler v1.1 to The Unofficial MFLB Mason Jar Bubbler v2.0 (yes, a WHOLE 0.9 revision update!). It may look like like shit, but it hit/rips huge clouds of vapor. I've got pretty significant pull endurance and can hold my breath a good amount of time. If I pull as much as I can and hold it as long... I still get a steady stream of vapor coming out, on exhale. Of all my setups and techniques (from native, stems, whips and glassware), I'll have some visible vapor... but nuthin' like this. So I present to you all...​
The Unofficial MFLB Mason Jar Bubbler v2.0
Custom 18 hole diffuser downtube.​
I had been saving up some money and sold an old bong to finance, this next piece. Plus, while UMFLBMJB v2.0 is cool... its not class and it does change the flavor of the vapor. I like my vapor taste, nice and clean (duh!). My new luxury piece coming soon. Just ordered a cheap Vapor Glass Bubbler from this place. Disappointed in the shipping to shipped process so far, but for $49.25 (total)... I can't really complain. They also do state up front on the shipping page, that it takes 2-3 days on average, to go from shipping to shipped.​

Ed's TnT

Giday all, I'm a long time lurker first time poster.
First of all I love your forum, its great, I've learnt so much from reading here.
I have been vaping for about six months after combusting for about thirty years, thanks to the MFLB I no longer combust anything. I love the magic flight.
I've got a couple of questions I'd like to ask. I've noticed quite a few of you use Eds tnt stems, they look real nice, but which length do you all prefer, does it make a difference using the shorty compared to full length? are the full length the same as the standard stem that comes with the launch box?
My other question is, has anyone from Australia ordered one of these stems? and were there any hassles getting the stem through customs? I just know Aussie customs can be a bit tough on imported goods made from timber and wondered if I ordered some stems if I would have any hassles getting them in. Thanks for your time.

Thanks for all the pic posts guys and all the kind words for my work, I do appreciate it all. Long stems range from 2 1/2" - 2 1/4" due to turning, they are very close but may differ by an 1/8" or so either way. The shorties are at 1 1/4" and are only available in purple at this moment, other species are custom. I ship worldwide for free and to Aussie quite abit, all pkgs. are small bubble mailers with a return st. address only, nothing flashy, just plain jane. Cant tell ya what to get but give em a try, am sure you will be glad you did. Thanks again y'all!
Ed's TnT,

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
has anyone from Australia ordered one of these stems?
Yes I have and No worries ll be d be very unlucky if they took it off of luck with a smoke free life bud
u bwade wunner,

Mtl Fenix

Well-Known Member
I just bought the wall and car adaptor, they were delivered in a week ...
Simply Amazing, no more stress over the batteries! I'll just use them when I'm out for a trek or on the slopes ....
I have a question for others who have bought the wall adapter ... What setting are you using it on? I find the max setting to be way too hot ... Any recommendations ?
Mtl Fenix,


I Vapes Hard
^^^^i just bought a PA, hasnt arrived yet but i was wondering the same. Ive read about a medium level but its likely different for the draw style your using and just gauge the vapor temp with your lips. i think i read about someone receiving a new PA and it was set on high out of the box. Does the little dial not have on or off markers? Ordered thursday was disappointed to get no response on it being shipped yesterday.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
The housing has markings to show you which direction is high power. Someone commented here that the latest PAs have markings on the wheel, but mine doesn't. What I did was move the wheel all the way in one direction, then counted the notches. This let me determine the mid-point, which I marked. Judging by the brightness of the light, I estimated the mid-point to be close to the same as a fully charged battery. I set mine at approximately 40%, since I like low temperature vaporizing and this setting allows me to hold the button down as long as I like without reaching combustion. I don't think you'll have much trouble; this is a pretty common sense approach that anyone would figure out.

I think every LB varies a little and based on what I've read here, some of them vary a lot. Some run really cool and can handle full PA power like Vicki's, but I'm sure if I turned mine up all the way I'd have to be really careful to avoid combustion. I only use full power for a cleaning cycle.
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Herbal Alchemist
I think every LB varies a little and based on what I've read here, some of them vary a lot. Some run really cool and can handle full PA power like Vicki's, but I'm sure if I turned mine up all the way I'd have to be really careful to avoid combustion. I only use full power for a cleaning cycle.

I have three LB's, and they all run a different temperature. The older the box, the hotter it runs. At least that has been my experience.


Well-Known Member
I have had a different experience. My old non o-ring box non snap close lid box ran cooler than my newest model (received in january 2012). Im sure its different for everyone though!

The learning and bonding is what makes the box such a great device. Learning the ins, outs, its like your always in the honeymoon stage. Anyway you slice it, youre getting a great product.

Mtl Fenix

Well-Known Member
@ pimp : I ordered mine on march 2nd and it arrived on the 9th despite the fact that my order said it could take up to 30 days for intl shipping ... They have an amazing service !

I figured out how to use it properly... if your bud is loaded with crystals start slightly above the lowest setting and increase power slowly over 20-25 min of pretty constant vaping until slightly below the highest setting ... the two extremes on the dial are too much ... The lowest setting is basically the same as when the battery the moment right before it is about to die ... The highest setting could be used if you suck in air pretty powerfully to cool your LB down otherwise your load will definitely combust ...

I freakin love this thing ... It is so much better than using the battery and for the added price it should be sold with the LB .... Its amazing to not have to worry about running out of power .... Only downside is I think I'm going to be vaping a lot more now ....
Mtl Fenix,


I Vapes Hard
@mtl fenix - good to hear i hope mine comes soon.

It seems it couldnt have been at a better time cause it seems my batterys are losing their charge quick already. I had my LB for about a month and gets heavy use. Last night i fully charged them and left them in the bag ready for use and this morning with my first trench the battery seemed weak like one half used. Although getting the PA and VPA, i do need a good battery solution as well, as on 420 i plan to spend nearly all day outdoors at the rally celebrating.

Mtl Fenix

Well-Known Member
@ pimp: Same here .... That's why I got myself two other pairs of batteries from MFLB (10$/2) for the days spent outdoors ... Two are definitely not enough so with more on hand problem solved ... I figure that by this summer I'll get myself a quick charger and a dozen batteries and I should be good for my camping weekends ... But for the at home every day vaping the PA is a must, you won't regret it and the VPA is also cool though it feels kinda weird to have all this gear in your lap but wtvr it's appreciated especially since there is almost no smell and no crazy smoke going out the windows :)
Mtl Fenix,


Noob Saibot
Does anyone use their PA at max power? I have been doing so lately to get as close to combustion as possible. It helps my pain and nausea a lot better, and it's a lot better than smoking.

When I first got my PA, I saw it was set to about 75%, and just that enough left the vaporizable nearly charred, or blacker than I've ever seen. I got my PA is about December, not sure if it's a different version or each PA varies widely in temperature. My sweet spot is like 55%


My original batteries, almost a year old now, have been through countless cycles (even though I had the PA, I was only using it at night). Still as strong as the day I got them. I get 3-4 days use out of them (because I mostly use the PA now). However, that's still pretty damn impressive rechargeable life. EDIT: All those numbers are PER battery. So, usually around a week, before I would have to cycle both through a charge.

Even those weeks where I'm traveling to countless doctor's appointments and I'm using the batteries pretty consistently, they'll last over a day. I usually vape 4-5 trenches during the day, before I switch over to nighttime PA use.

EDIT: As for my PA, even 50% will make my trenches go *POOF*. I have to keep mine close to the 45-49% range. Especially with this new one, that's almost too much.

EDIT (again): Hey... where's the commentary on my awesome Unofficial MFLB Mason Jar Bubbler v2.0. A funny thing happened to me, on the way to the forum... I made some slight mods to v1.1 (removed diffuser end cap and lowered water level to 1/4" above diffuser holes) and might have seriously challenged v2.0 for superiority.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
i like youre bubbler bigDaddy.dig the grommets and the home made diffuser, and all for zero man

Has anyone heard anything about a new magic flight vape.they said that they would release something towards the end of the year in a previous post if I m not mistaken.I need to email them anyway.My button no longer clicks on my PA so i ve returned for a replacement.
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