Hi all,
i'm new here, and never used a vaporizer before..
i've read around the forum and did a little research and it pretty much seems like i can't go wrong with a launch box..

i do have a couple of questions, if anyone could please shed some light for me..
I recently had a VAT surgery to treat a spontaneous pneumothorax (collapsed lung), and was forbidden to smoke by my doctor (a lung expert).
i asked him if i could use a vaporizer and he approved.
a) if anyone around here had the same condition and is vaping i'd love to know, it would really take some worries off my head when i'll start vaping..

b) how fine is the line between smoking and vaping the weed, temperature-wise? is it possible that i'll burn the weed by mistake using a launch box? (sorry for being so paranoid, i'm just worried about inhaling smoke..)
c) just out of curiousity..

is there a way to vaporize hash in a launch box?