Morbius said:
So I ordered one on Wednesday and even though it is an overseas mailing and I am oceans away it was at my door the next Monday!!! Amazing. Nothing I have ordered comes that quickly.

That really is fast.
Morbius said:
Is this common to combust some of the first trenches??
Yes, it is. Two reasons:
1) User technique still not mastered. If it's too hot, wait shorter before you start to pull and pull a little faster.
2) New boxes are a little hotter. They will mellow in time.
Also that is rare, but there are boxes, that are too hot or too cool (no box is exactly same, they are hand made, so they can be a little hotter or cooler, but can't be too much - they are each tested, so faulty are rare).
Oh and also combustion occurs much more with a fresh battery (it has 1.4V). I think that is some overcharge thing. After few pulls it drops down to 1.2V and will stay there for like 4 minutes of connection. Then it will slowly drop all the way down and it's depleted.
Morbius said:
Firstly, if there was combustion my box is still ok yeah?
Yes it is. You just need to get rid of the smoke smell (Vape some trencher of blow into the trench with a hairdryer for a while). If you let it combust for a long time before you get the burning herb out, it can make a black spot on the screen. That is a cosmetic issue. Can't be cleaned right away, it will fade out in weeks with use. I already had one spot and it's gone now. Combusted 3 times - The last 2 times I got the burning herb out fast so it didn'T develop any spot and the smell was much milder and gone earlier.
Morbius said:
Could I be trying to over-vape a spent trench?... i.e. am I perhaps trying to get too much from a trench... combustion does seem to happen later, although it has happened on a new trench once...
If the trench is done, its brown (light or dark, how you prefer, dark is more CBD like). Also as you vape the herb, it get very dry, so it can ignite easier. But still needs combustion temperature to ignite. If you vape correctly, you just get a popcorn smell and no vape of it, not combustion.
Morbius said:
My guess is it is just too hot in there, and that i need to breath faster... and hit earlier, but there are a lot of comments on here regarding how it is better to breath slowly...
Correct, you need to pull slowly, but not too slowly or it will combust with a hotter box or not very experienced user.
Morbius said:
i just don't know how anyone does a slow nose breath without getting smoke.
I don't recommend trying this method unless you have mastered the box, you are right this is close to combustion. If done well it produces huge clouds. With this methid, even some experienced users combust sometimes.
Morbius said:
Maybe my batteries will mellow out???
The box itself will mellow out - only sligtly, it should work anytime.
But the batteries also lose their capacity over time, After months or years you will need to replace them.
Morbius said:
Oh and I am getting very little cloud formation... maybe being used to smoking has caused me to intuitively run the box hotter... looking for clouds...
New users don't get huge clouds (but get ripped anyway). You need to be on high temps to get them and that is a combustion risk, so I recommend this to more experienced users again.