
Vaporus Majorus
I went to Wal-Mart looking for Goo Gone and bought some other stuff by mistake. When I got home, I realized that I had inadvertently bought some stuff called "Goof Off." Well, let me just tell was amazing! It worked so much better than anything else at getting the sticky stuff off peeled batteries (WD-40, Iso, elbow grease). A little bit of the solvent and a paper towel and the adhesive residue was gone in a few wipes...hardly any effort on my part (which I like).

Just wanted to share my find with the group.


Head of Pot
sydnee said:
I went to Wal-Mart looking for Goo Gone and bought some other stuff by mistake. When I got home, I realized that I had inadvertently bought some stuff called "Goof Off." Well, let me just tell was amazing! It worked so much better than anything else at getting the sticky stuff off peeled batteries (WD-40, Iso, elbow grease). A little bit of the solvent and a paper towel and the adhesive residue was gone in a few wipes...hardly any effort on my part (which I like).

Just wanted to share my find with the group.

Good find! My Goo Gone bottle is getting low. I'll have to see if I can find some of that next time. Is it just supposed to be a knockoff Goo Gone or is it some other type of solvent?


Vaporus Majorus

Good question.....can't really answer that. I can tell you it was right next to (and a lot less expensive than) the Goo Gone.

Here's a link to the product I bought:
Goof Off


Head of Pot
sydnee said:

Good question.....can't really answer that. I can tell you it was right next to (and a lot less expensive than) the Goo Gone.

Here's a link to the product I bought:
Goof Off

Oh snap "Professional Strength" sounds pretty hardcore. Now that I see the pic I know exactly what you are talking about. Thx!


Dberm said:
Pakalolo that is amazingly generous of you! I couldn't agree more, it is really cool to see someone who I've never even met in real life offering to help someone who suffers from their own stupidity! Good karma to you, there aren't enough nice people in the world!

Thank you very much for the support guys. I am happy to report that I just heard back from MF and it looks like they're going to help me out! I'm really stoked, didn't really think they'd help me out but here I am less than 24 hours after sending in my warranty email and the issue is already resolved.

Another extremely happy customer here! Best money I ever spent!


First off -- Pakalolo -- thank you.

Secondly, I am glad to confirm that our service dept is going to honor the warranty on that unit (I would have personally raised a 'stink' if they had not -- and ensured that they did). For the record, yes, we definitely cover user accident. This would be be in the category of "necessary to preserve the health of the user" and it IS something we regard as part of the functional aspect of the warranty.

-- Magic-Flight


Vitolo said:
And what is CT Powertool's motive? They could alleviate themselves of any work or worry... by not saying anything...

Hi Vitolo,

The motive is probably greed -- ie to make money. It seems elaborate, but the basic reason is that we will only sell to stores that honor our sales policies -- ie those agreements necessary to ensure that ALL customers continue to have a positive experience with our products. CT Power Tools sands off the serial numbers in an attempt to prevent us from tracking their illegitimate purchases through intermediary distributors. Unfortunately, the distributor might not know who they are selling to because of multiple 'front' business names. Once the distributor finds out they have been deceived, the flow is cut off.

The attempt to provide a surrogate warranty is a stopgap measure on their part to make it harder for customers to figure out they have been duped. It is basically a FUD campaign to buy them some time. Unhappy customers tend to be vocal and leave negative feedback which disrupts further sales -- something they cannot prevent forever. Unfortunately, the usual and eventual response is that they simply change their business name and attempt to start over. We are getting better at preventing this sort of abuse.

People who are thinking of purchasing on Amazon and Ebay are advised to look at BOTH how long they have been in business (number of sales) as well as the proportion of positive feedback. In particular, I would recommend working with more established vendors with a known and demonstrated history of being trustworthy. It is even better if there is a real and clear reason that they are worthy of our time and energy. As far as I am concerned, why would anyone ever want to do business with people who do not matter?

This is just my opinion of course.

-- Magic-Flight


weedemon said:
i thought i broke it when the wood came off of the ground glass base. when i tried to put ti back on it went back on no problem.


For those people who have had this happen, please let us know (via private email to our service dept). It was our intention to have the glass and the wood remain adhered together, but as a new (beta) product, we are still fine tuning the build process, figuring things out, etc. If you are happy with it being separable and that works for you in regards to cleaning, that is fine also. As with all of our other products, we will be sure to get broken units fixed or replaced as soon as we can.

-- Magic-Flight


magicflight said:
As with all of our other products...
-- Magic-Flight
?? Baby you're the best....?!! :mflb:


Portable Vaporist
sydnee said:
I went to Wal-Mart looking for Goo Gone and bought some other stuff by mistake. When I got home, I realized that I had inadvertently bought some stuff called "Goof Off." Well, let me just tell was amazing! It worked so much better than anything else at getting the sticky stuff off peeled batteries (WD-40, Iso, elbow grease). A little bit of the solvent and a paper towel and the adhesive residue was gone in a few wipes...hardly any effort on my part (which I like).

Just wanted to share my find with the group.

GooF off is a stronger and more industrial version of goo gone. It takes stuff on goo gone wont dream of. Its also mineral spirits based and will remove paint. Its a good tool for certainly jobs. for milder tasks I prefer goo gone. for serious removal goof off is in a whole nother league. Probably in a whole nother league of toxicity too :)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Vitolo said:
:mflb: :mflb:
"...and what's wrong with being called Doody?"

There's nothing wrong with it at all. In fact, it brings a smile to my face everytime. :D

al bundy

i got both mine from the same place on ebay i had the 1st one replaced by Blisssville with no problem thats why i purchased the second one from them too. :peace:
al bundy,


Herbal Alchemist
I finally broke down and got the Power Adapter. I can't wait to use it and see how it compares to batteries. As always, Blisssville customer service is exceptional and friendly. I love this company and the Launch Box! :)


You did not break down, Vicki. That PA was always yours....
just waiting for it's time to be called home to you.
There's an MFLB int the "Well of Launch Box Souls" for all of us..
ready to come to us when it is our time.
Once we are joined with the MFLB that was meant for us...
in the wings waits a PA... ever on call to be ordered....
Take Flight

The PA and WPA are only available at Magic Flight at this time. contact them to learn if they can ship to Europe.


Cannabis Connoisseur
I have had my birch MFLB since October of 2010 and must say it is the greatest device ever! I recently bought a power adapter and it is so amazing. I am now tempted to buy a water adapter too for the complete set. Thanks JDsupreme for your super informative videos they are helpful. I just ordered some exotic stems from Ed's TnT website. Cocobolo and Amboyna Bur. It is safe to say that my launch box has already paid for itself at least 2 or 3 times. Only thing I can't vape is mids, they taste horrible. I have tried saving ABV to cook with but it is always such a disgusting flavor. Any advice for this?


I like the taste of ABV. If cooking with it does not please you, just put it in capules.. or eat it all at once mixed in some honey.
Many make firecrackers.. mixing abv with peanut butter, spreading it between grahm crackers.. enclose in foil and bake (300-400 depending on who tells you) for 20 minutes. That is a concentrated dose, so not bad to swallow.


Charles Urbane
BirchMFLB said:
I have had my birch MFLB since October of 2010 and must say it is the greatest device ever! I recently bought a power adapter and it is so amazing. I am now tempted to buy a water adapter too for the complete set. Thanks JDsupreme for your super informative videos they are helpful. I just ordered some exotic stems from Ed's TnT website. Cocobolo and Amboyna Bur. It is safe to say that my launch box has already paid for itself at least 2 or 3 times. Only thing I can't vape is mids, they taste horrible. I have tried saving ABV to cook with but it is always such a disgusting flavor. Any advice for this?

Soak avb in everclear. Strain and use liquid to make electric bloody marys.


Cannabis Connoisseur
I tried mixing the ABV with peanut butter and cooking for 20-30 minutes. It tasted really bad and I didn't get a buzz from it. I also tried regular mids and it still tasted horrible. I might have to try the everclear strain method instead because I can't get any of the peanut butter recipes to work.


Herbal Alchemist
Vitolo said:
You did not break down, Vicki. That PA was always yours....
just waiting for it's time to be called home to you.
There's an MFLB int the "Well of Launch Box Souls" for all of us..
ready to come to us when it is our time.
Once we are joined with the MFLB that was meant for us...
in the wings waits a PA... ever on call to be ordered....
Take Flight

I always thought I didn't really need a PA as I have a TON of low and high self discharge rechargeable batteries. Some of the batteries are not as strong as they used to be. I'm in the process of a "Refresh and Analyze" cycle for all the batteries, and will be discarding any below 2000 MaH.

I should have at least 10 batteries left after that, and I'll also have the PA. :)


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Vicki said:
I always thought I didn't really need a PA as I have a TON of low and high self discharge rechargeable batteries. Some of the batteries are not as strong as they used to be. I'm in the process of a "Refresh and Analyze" cycle for all the batteries, and will be discarding any below 2000 MaH.

I should have at least 10 batteries left after that, and I'll also have the PA. :)

I too have always considered the PA non-essential, but I'm starting to crack. I might just break down and order one when I get back from Maui. I know I really don't need yet another power cord/desktop clutter item in my life, but the stories here are starting to convince me it might be worth it after all. The idea of a consistent power setting is appealing.

Beside, what else can I do with the money I was going to use to buy Dberm a new LB?
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