Seems no one got a chance to answer you. I'll keep it short and simple. The batteries you get with the MFLB will be totally fine for you.the quiet earth said:Owing to the praise the MFLB has received I purchased one from puffitup a few weeks back (still waiting for it, but I'm in the UK, so hopefully it'll arrive soon).
I'm probably going to be sharing it with friends and wondered how much scope there is for this using the stock batteries that come with the unit. Would it be reasonable to assume that one fully charged stock battery will suffice for someone who isn't a regular user?
I should confess that I've only smoked once in my life (last year) and loved the experience. Music and food were particular highlights. Anyway, I haven't gone back to it because smoking wasn't for me, but I wondered if vaporizing with the MFLB will produce some of the things I experienced during smoking, e.g. will it affect my taste buds in the sense that, although the sensation of eating was amazing, my ability to perceive taste was dulled?
I've seen a few videos and read some ideas about the best methodology for using the MFLB effectively and the advice tends to vary, but is there a particular method of using it that would be best suited to a novice who wants to get more out of music and food but doesn't want to end up feeling too heavy and wasted? I realise this is also contingent on what goes in the MFLB. There is a popular video on YouTube of a woman reviewing the MFLB (if you type its full name into Google or YT she should be the first video link) and the way she uses it looks quite elegant. Would that be a good method?
There are many different methods for taking hits from the LB, but the most important thing is that you (1) not burn the bud and (2) not draw too hard (if you see movement in the trench, you're pulling to hard).
Onto the actual effects. The MFLB is the single most efficient way I've ever consumed cannabis. Granted I don't have as much experience as others here, and this is only the 3rd or so vape I have tried, but I think most will agree that the MFLB is in the top percentages of pure cannabis consuming efficiency.
Anyway, I had been smoking for quite a while and there was only so much effect I would get from a joint or something. With the MFLB, I can't finish a .1 trench. Maybe I can, but I am literally on my ass. I assume this will go away over time (

I myself combusted last night, my mom FLIPPED