
txholla said:

I recieved my unit yesterday, but noticed while I was using it today there was a crack in the wood around the mouthpiece. I'm scared this could lead to further wood damage in the future due to pulling the stem in and out. I sent you an email with my serial # detailing it and with a picture I took right after I opened it. that shows the crack.

TIA for your help.
We have replied to your email. Although there are a number of advantages to using wood -- natural, beautiful, safe -- there are some disadvantages. For example, we do occasionally get some reports of changes in the tightness of the negative terminal ring either getting looser or tighter -- most likely due to differences in humidity. The end-grain 'checking' that you reported (a woodworking term for a end-grain separation), is actually rather uncommon in finished wood products (1st occurrence with the Box that we know about). Our milling/processing techniques usually prevent it from happening. The good news at least is that grain process like this is unlikely to affect the operation of the unit in any way, aside from the cosmetic aspects. However, we can treat it as a warranty event and will issue you a new unit if you would like. Please let us know (via private email). Also, in the interest of recycling and product improvement, for anyone who does receive a replacement unit, we appreciate having the replaced unit sent back to us -- although this is not required, it is helpful. Email us for details of how to do this.

-- Magic-flight

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War Criminal
stickstones said:
how's the hash, B?
Sticky, black, and it knocked me on my ass last night :p I usually wait til I have way more, but I had an impulse. I also cleaned my SSV wand and tube with the ISO before I added the ABV to it. I got a ball bigger than a pea but smaller than a grape. I'm without a scale right now, or I'd give a real measurement.

I haven't actually used any hash in my LB because of the bad results I've read of in previous posts. I used my SSV, worst case is I replace the screen, but I bet some ISO will clean that screen right out.

Does anyone have a good method to vape hash in the LB?

I've noticed even if my battery stays connected for 30+ seconds with no inhalation my bud doesn't turn black. I can get it to turn brown eventually and it gets me high, but it takes at least 6 or 8 hits to brown a small trench. Is this anyone else's experience? is my box running too low? I notice a very clear difference in the high between this and the SSV, even when vaping the same amount out of either, i.e. .05 in the box vs .05 in the ssv. I know they are very different vapes, but I'm wondering if this is a function of not being able to hit those higher temps? maybe my box tops out at 340 or 350 or something? Maybe I'll take my LB into to work and when no one's around I'll test the surface of the screen's temp with our IR temp gun.

Magic Flight-what temp is the screen on a properly calbrated unit?


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
Without reading all 35 pages, can anyone tell me if there's anything in this thread about using the Launch Box with water filtration? Is there any way to jerry-rig a water container in the vapor path? Or will a food grade vinyl tube attach to it for a longer path, at least? (I'm looking for a way to use water because I have a very sensitive lungs/throat and prefer to cool the vapor.)


War Criminal
I'm sure if you take either of the stems into home depot you'll be able to find a tube that will fit, and then you can easily macgyver the the stem-tube-bong. it's how i do my ssv whip into a bong with ice only, no water. I'm sure there's also a way to attach a rubber gasket to the stem allowing you to insert the stem right into your bongs downtube. or into a bubbler.

I'm having premonitions of custom built nalgene water bottles made to be covert water filters with the launch box inside so it would just look like you were takin a drink...


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
B. said:
I'm sure if you take either of the stems into home depot you'll be able to find a tube that will fit, and then you can easily macgyver the the stem-tube-bong. it's how i do my ssv whip into a bong with ice only, no water. I'm sure there's also a way to attach a rubber gasket to the stem allowing you to insert the stem right into your bongs downtube. or into a bubbler.

I'm having premonitions of custom built nalgene water bottles made to be covert water filters with the launch box inside so it would just look like you were takin a drink...
:lol: That gave me a good laugh! Yeah, I just Macgyvered my Vapor Genie to go through a water pipe. Well, as long as you think there's a way, then I'll give it a shot. I am getting good with my Vapor Genie now and not sure if I will change to an LB or not, now, but if I had a lot of $ I'd probably buy a Launch Box tomorrow just so I could compare. I do really prefer to filter the vape through water.


Well-Known Member
MoeOnTheMoon said:
(I'm looking for a way to use water because I have a very sensitive lungs/throat and prefer to cool the vapor.)
I'm not sure if that's necessary. When using the whip or a long stem most people have trouble telling if they're vaping or not so it might be okay without water filtration. Another interesting point that was brought up was that a stem actually increases irritation because it speeds up the air flow or something like that.

I have a throat that's sensitive to vaping with my SSV and currently have a very sensitive tooth so I'll try to report on that once I get it.


B. said:
I've noticed even if my battery stays connected for 30+ seconds with no inhalation my bud doesn't turn black. I can get it to turn brown eventually and it gets me high, but it takes at least 6 or 8 hits to brown a small trench. Is this anyone else's experience? is my box running too low? I'll take my LB into to work and when no one's around I'll test the surface of the screen's temp with our IR temp gun.
Magic Flight-what temp is the screen on a properly calbrated unit?

A Box should run about 380 during normal conditions. Based on your observations, the Box may be running slightly cooler than most, but it is within the intended range. With a fine grind and good mixing, a bowl should take about 6 hits of 20 seconds each duration to become mostly a medium brown. We find that to be the best balance of time vs ease of use. There are some units that will go less or more than this, but that is what we aim for. The disadvantage of having the unit hotter is that it tends to affect the taste sooner and takes somewhat more breath control skill.

-- Magic-flight

PS: Note; Unless certain precautions are taken, most IR test equipment will show the unit as low. The optical path and focus of the instrument needs to be well matched to the actual visible shape of the screen. Also, whether the lid is open or closed makes a big difference -- the Lid blocks IR (this is by design), so the Box must be open to test -- yet this changes the convection aspects very dramatically. Depending on Box orientation, IR testing with lid open can result in another 50 degree temp loss. We find that we need to use a special IR transmissive window as well as beam image matching to get an accurate reading using IR. If you have the option, use a low mass K-type thermocouple with the lid closed and direct contact to get a better reading.

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Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
LOL! i just happen to have some low mass K-type thermocouples in my parts bin.

but seriously, i find my IR thermometer is a pain to use and get accurate readings in real world situations -- like you suggest in your note.
Hippie Dickie,


War Criminal
Wow. Just as the launch box looks deceptively simply yet is incredibly complex I should have known my mere mortal thermometer would be insufficient. I work in a restaurant/brewery, and the IR thermometer is probably the most complex electronic device we have.

Sounds like my LB is right in the zone, tho, hot enough to get. ripped but won't burn my stuff. Sweet.

I've recently started taking much longer hits and finding this to be much better. Initially, after a not paying attention and burning a couple hits, I started taking shorter hits, and that solved the problem. Now it seems like my LB is runnin at a slightly lower temp, so my fear of burning is no longer an issue and it seems to me the longer bigger hits get me more medicated. Slow, long and deep, just like yo mama likes it! :lol:


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
So, what happens if the Launch Box starts getting hotter and giving a vapor that is too thin or too thick, as compared to before, and you preferred it as before? Is there any way to adjust it, up or down? What might cause it to change temperature over time?


Well-Known Member
I have found mine to exhibit the same characteristics......although it could be the batteries that is the cause of it.....I remember the first few hits when it was brand new was very hot (altho memory is cloudy now) since I cannot really do a fair comparison and have to go off memory which isn't exactly the most reliable thing....the reason why I am unsure it is the unit that is degrading is because I have this 1 snug fresh battery that always gives solid vapor whereas the eneloops (loose fitting) ones, tend to not be as potent

maybe MF can answer this one:

is it possible that a loose fitting battery can produce less heat then 1 that is snug...I'm having a hard time forming my question but what I am asking is whether the unit only has 2 modes (on/off) or does it depend on the contact made by the let's say a loose fitting battery makes a loose connection but it still connects..does the unit then say only put out 75% power vs say a snug battery that always makes a good connection giving out 100% power....

reason why I ask is because sometimes I feel depending on the torque/pressure I give on the battery I get a more hot/steady vapor stream


MoeOnTheMoon said:
So, what happens if the Launch Box starts getting hotter and giving a vapor that is too thin or too thick, as compared to before, and you preferred it as before? Is there any way to adjust it, up or down? What might cause it to change temperature over time?

The unit itself is unlikely to change over time -- more likely it is the batteries. Which batteries are you using and what charger? We have had reports of certain types of chargers causing this to occur in the batteries.

Aside from breath control, there are is no adjustable parts in the device itself.

-- Magic-flight

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chloe said:
Is it possible that a loose fitting battery can produce less heat then 1 that is snug...

It is possible, although it is rather uncommon to see. Usually, it would be the result of only a very little bit of the battery touching a contact. Try turning/twisting the smaller battery in the hole and pressing firmly -- that may distinguish what is going on. Our product unit tests for fit using the stock batteries -- supposedly a standard size. It is also possible is that different battery brands may have different operating characteristics -- is there any consistency in the behavior?

If people are having trouble getting their Box to work with the stock batteries and charger, please contact us via email for possible warranty support.

-- Magic-flight

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The taste that the Launch Box delivers from cannabis is so delicious. :ko: The VaporGenie really doesn't make vapor taste that good, so smoke was only marginally less appealing. Now, the tide has turned drastically.

I love this little box more and more as the days roll on. :D


War Criminal
I'm sorry if this was already addressed, but I have a ?

I love how when I inhale strong enough the air flow swirls the bud around in the chamber, I think I've seen you guys call it the venturi effect? When I inhale quickly enough to swirl the bud in the trench, is the unit still producing vapor?

Or do I need to keep my rate of inhaling slow enough to keep the material in the trench.

Maybe the heat from the screen is enough to heat the air in the chamber? I know it's primarily conduction, but are there any other heating methods taking place?

Thanks in advance.


Not much, or none at all, since cool air is being quickly brought In from the back.


B. said:
When I inhale quickly enough to swirl the bud in the trench, is the unit still producing vapor?
Or do I need to keep my rate of inhaling slow enough to keep the material in the trench.

Maybe the heat from the screen is enough to heat the air in the chamber?
I know it's primarily conduction, but are there any other heating methods taking place?

Usually, the inhale rate needs to be fairly slow, and the swirl only happens when drawing fast. If the material is swirling in the chamber, the draw rate is probably too fast for much vapor production. However, for an especially light and fluffy load and for an especially hot unit, you may get some vapor when a swirl pattern is showing. Vapor while swirling would not be common nor desired, however, as the vape would be especially hard to use -- the draw rate would have to be perfect every time.

The other heating method we take especial advantage of is IR (infra red). The air in the chamber is not heated as much with this technique.

-- Magic-flight

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Well-Known Member
I finally see the difference from a finely ground herb vs coarsely....I used my friend's herb that was leafy and some stems...and wasn't grounded finely...and it's hard to brown since I'm guessing it's hard to get larger chunks making contact with the mesh...even if I use 2 batteries and continue using doesn't brown....never had this issue before because I grind my finely....


Medical Marijuana Activist
Company Rep
chloe said:
I finally see the difference from a finely ground herb vs coarsely....I used my friend's herb that was leafy and some stems...and wasn't grounded finely...and it's hard to brown since I'm guessing it's hard to get larger chunks making contact with the mesh...even if I use 2 batteries and continue using doesn't brown....never had this issue before because I grind my finely....
Just how finely - like oregano or something? Or more like parsley flakes or something? Photo?


Well-Known Member
MoeOnTheMoon said:
chloe said:
I finally see the difference from a finely ground herb vs coarsely....I used my friend's herb that was leafy and some stems...and wasn't grounded finely...and it's hard to brown since I'm guessing it's hard to get larger chunks making contact with the mesh...even if I use 2 batteries and continue using doesn't brown....never had this issue before because I grind my finely....
Just how finely - like oregano or something? Or more like parsley flakes or something? Photo?
I'll take a pic when I get more herb.....i'm all out (which is why I was using my friend's herb) :)

I cannot compare it to oregano or parsley since I've seen both herbs grounded differently...altho I can say I use the CNC chromium crusher upside down as my primary grinder


MoeOnTheMoon said:
chloe said:
I finally see the difference from a finely ground herb vs coarsely...
Just how finely - like oregano or something? Or more like parsley flakes or something? Photo?

Not sure if this helps, but our standard 'calibration test load' has an average 'grain size' of 30 thousandths of an inch -- its fairly fine, but not power or kief. That would be a 200 Mesh filter, or approximately 75 microns particulate. Perhaps similar to an average table salt and a little more. Clean picked material is processed using a conventional grinder and then reprocessed using an electric grinder before grading -- this provides a consistent standard to test with. Most users would not need to go through this much effort.

-- Magic-flight

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magicflight said:
MoeOnTheMoon said:
chloe said:
I finally see the difference from a finely ground herb vs coarsely...
Just how finely - like oregano or something? Or more like parsley flakes or something? Photo?

Not sure if this helps, but our standard 'calibration test load' has an average 'grain size' of 30 thousandths of an inch -- its fairly fine, but not power or kief. That would be a 200 Mesh filter, or approximately 75 microns particulate. Perhaps similar to an average table salt and a little more. Clean picked material is processed using a conventional grinder and then reprocessed using an electric grinder before grading -- this provides a consistent standard to test with. Most users would not need to go through this much effort.

-- Magic-flight
A grain of salt? Is it possible to achieve this in a grinder or only by cutting it with scissors?


I'm El Diablo Baby!!!
Bud leaf doesn't really brown at all in any vape in my experience, stems don't get very brown either, no matter how finely ground.

Does anyone have a picture of what a MFLB looks like when you get it in the mail though, like the packaging. I need some discreet packaging.


War Criminal
chloe said:
I remember the first few hits when it was brand new was very hot (altho memory is cloudy now) since I cannot really do a fair comparison and have to go off memory which isn't exactly the most reliable thing....
I also vaguely recollect the box being hotter in the begining, but I like the temp it's at now(slightly lower). My loads always come out a nice light brown, with just a fleck of green. Maybe 5%. I like to leave a little love in my ABV, so a little green is fine with me.

After having my LB for a couple of weeks now and varying the size of the trenches I load, I am really impressed with the versatility of the LB. I can easily control my high my putting more or less in the trench. A couple of hits off of a half full trench and I have a nice light buzz, easy to wear out in public and deal with the squares.

If I load a trench totally full, which for me is covering the entire screen with bud, including the shelves on the side of the trench. I am fairly certain this part heats up, but it could be that it just gets hot from the trench. All I know is that it definitely burned me when I touched it. These full load hits get me nice and stoney. The vapor can get pretty thick, and although the hits aren't as powerful as my SSV, they are close and they're mighty satisfying.

Anyone else care to throw their :2c: in ?
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