magicflight said:
It is possible to use the Box to try to separate out different components while in use. However, the Box itself was not really designed for that process -- actually the opposite is somewhat more the case. To get just one component at a time, a desktop unit would probably be a better choice, even though there are none on the market now that have anywhere near the accuracy that would be needed. To really do this right, you would need lab gear.
Of course I wouldn't expect extreme accuracy, considering the vaporization temperature is dependant on my breathing. But according to your graphs, it seems that I should be able to get it around 320F or so by pulling a little faster, getting mostly THC and less CBD, giving more of a head high. And then I could revape later, and since more THC than CBD is gone, it would give more of a body high.
From reading almost all of your posts, it seems that you can't really comment on anything related to illegal uses of the product, but if you could give some insight to this using other terms, as you always do, I would really appreciate it.
Regarding the graphs, they're a little confusing. You said that the first graph, , that the battery was applied for 5 seconds, but the x-axis on the graph shows the battery being pulled out after about 22 seconds. Are the marks on the x-axis wrong, or am I completely misunderstand this, and actually a bunch more, of the graphs?
The second and third graphs show the Box reaching 390-400F after about 11-12 seconds. Well the third graph shows the battery being pulled out (I'm assuming that's what the sudden drop is) 1 or 2 seconds later, but it doesn't look like 15 on the x-axis. What does the temperature graph look like if you left the battery in longer? Does it continue climbing at the same exponential rate, until it combusts whatever's inside?
Also, the fifth graph, that demonstrates the steady draw rate, shows the Box reaching 396F after only about 5 seconds. How is that possible, considering the other graphs that show 390-400 being reached after 10-15 seconds?
For some reason, I always thought it was bad to wait for there to be vapor inside the box, because I figured it would get too hot and start to burn the weed. So because of this, I usually start pulling as soon as I put the battery in. Is there a problem with that? Will it not reach the ideal temperature range? Do you have a graph (or, would you be able to make one) that shows how a steady draw rate that starts as soon as (or even right before) the battery is connected affects the temperature? Basically the same as these graphs, but with the steady drawing starting at t=0.
If someone other than magicflight is able to clarify the graphs for me, then please do!
Magicflight, thanks a lot for the detailed response and all the graphs. I'm gonna try micro-hitting out right now!