So I combusted for the first time the other day

. I felt like such a dumbass; I had taken about 5 vapor hits, and at the point I was already high, and I put the battery in to take the next hit, but then I got distracted, put the vape down, and forgot to take the battery out! I didnt realize that I forgot to take the battery out until a FEW MINUTES later when I went to take another hit!

the weed inside was completely charred and black, and the battery was so hot I thought it might melt, I couldnt even hold in my hand without burning myself. I'm disappointed in myself cuz I've always been really good at using the LB, I've had it for several weeks now and haven't combusted once until the other day. I'm kinda pissed, cuz now my vape smells and tastes like absolute shit

. Fortunately there arent any black resin spots on the screen, all it did really was turn a bit darker brown. But I was wondering, if I dipped my little cleaning brush in rubbing alcohol, I know it would work beautifully to clean the screen, but I'd be really concerned about any alcohol residue left on the screen; I really dont wanna vaporize rubbing alcohol. Do you think if I put a charged battery in afterwards and let it sit for a minute that it was burn off any residue and be safe to use?