Ive been using my Magic Flight Launch Box for about 4 months. I got it about 3 or 4 months after I first started smoking weed. I had been browsing on different forums and then had saw various topics relating to vaporizers. I became interested when I read that it was the healthy route to use marijuana. I continued reading and then decided that I wanted to get one. I soon started researching one that was under $200 and was small and portable. Stealth was the biggest key in deciding which vaporizer to buy. I kept seeing Magic Flight Launch Box popping up when it came stealthiness and odor output. A few weeks later I placed my order on VapeWorld.com and recieved it a few days later.
When I first got my Magic Flight Launch Box, I think I used it everynight for about 2 weeks straight. It felt like cheating! I was getting high in my room every night without anyone else knowing. Hardly any smoke or odor to give me up. I love it! It's comparable to how stealth ninjas are.
I'll give my information on how I use mine. I start off by using a razor blade to chop and chop and chop and......chop.....to get my bud nice and fine. I have found that the finer the bud, the more THC I can get out of it compared to keeping it in larger clumps. The way I see it, the mesh size in the trench is so small that they intended their users to use finer ground products. I also find that I can use a hell of a lot less bud for getting high if I use finer ground product. Just to note, when you have fine grinded bud, I think it is easier for it to combust but out of 4 months use I've only had it combust maybe 2 or 3 times.
As far as how much I load into the trench on average, I don't even cover the trench completely. I read over the forum rules and didn't find any rules against posting pictures with weed in them so if someone can clarify that rule I will be more than happy to post some pictures on my fine grind bud and how much goes into each load. So, I guess without pictures, I can only say I pinch a bit out of my container and then sprinkle it in the trench.
My first hit usually goes down like this. I pop in the battery, let it heat up for about 5-8 seconds and take out the battery and take in the vapor all at once. I pretty much do that to let it heat up a bit and get everything warmed up and really good to go. Before I go for a second hit I'll open the slide and take my finger and loosen up the bud and flip some of it over. If you don't usually use fine ground bud, then you should know that it changes color QUICKLY! It usually gets brown (not all of the stuff in the trench, just most of the bud's underside) .
All other hits after that are like this. I let the battery go for about 3-5 seconds and then slowly start inhaling while the battery is still in. This is a longer yet slower hit. These hits are the ones that really HIT for me personally. I will usually inhale for 10-15 seconds after that 3-5 second warm up. I try and hold my hits in as long as possible and for me that around 15-20 seconds.
My battery can handle my first hit and 2 or 3 longer intakes before I prefer to change to my second battery if needed. I haven't had any real problems with my batteries although I would like to get a couple more in the case that I use the Magic Flight Launch Box with 1 or more friends. I find all the battery talk on the topic interesting but it is difficult to understand and keep up with everything so unless I have a problem I guess Im sticking to the provided ones.
Lastly, if you are looking for a fantastic, high quality, extremely small, very stealthy, easy to use, low odor vaporizer, then in my honest opinion, Magic Flight Launch Box is the best damn way you can go. Thanks Magic Flight Launch Box and cheers to vaping all around brothers and sisters.
To vape with NO smell whatsoever:
1. take short, small hits
2. hold hit in as long as possible to absorb most of the vapor
3. if you have vapor on your exhale then you need to take smaller hits and hold the vapor longer.
4. if you have very little vapor on exhale(normal) then you can either exhale into a towel or some kind of thick fabric or you can just turn a fan on high nearby.
Don't forget that if you have stinky weed, then the vapor with be stinky too. A small room can get stunk up really fast even if someone just takes it out of the bag to smell it.
Purchased. Natural finish, long stem. No WPA or anything because I don't have any glass and don't intend to get any. Super excited to get it and for the the trip!
Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm still looking into making some edibles. My wife's baker-y and would probably enjoy doing it.
Talk about good fortune! I bought a firefly a little while back. Didn't really love it but the shop I bought it from has a no returns or exchange policy. So I tried to use my Amex "return protection" benefit. I've never used it in the 10 years I've had the card but I figured I'd give it a try.
Well, they refunded my money *and I get to keep the firefly*!!! I called to verify and they said I could do what I wanted with the item. Sweet!!!
I know that this is way OT but I had to share.