The Lotus Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

I tried searching this thread but couldn't find any results so I figured I'd ask.

Where can you get the orange o-rings used on the waterpipe adapter? I don't see replacements on the lotus site. Should I just contact lotus? I want to make sure I get good safe quality silicone ones like the ones it comes with :D



Well-Known Member
Pretty much any hardware store I would think. They are outside the vapor path and don't get hot so sizing is the main concern.
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Ive been using my lotus very happily for a few months now. I roast anywhere from 1 to 10 WPA bowls a day and it seems my lotus hotplate has developed a crack, or may have been bumped, its right were the dimple starts, very very hairline and hard to see but it has a ridge feel to it when i run my finger over it.

I hope im not overheating it, i wouldn't think so seeing as i rarely ever combust anymore with it.

Will update with pics later.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Ive been using my lotus very happily for a few months now. I roast anywhere from 1 to 10 WPA bowls a day and it seems my lotus hotplate has developed a crack, or may have been bumped, its right were the dimple starts, very very hairline and hard to see but it has a ridge feel to it when i run my finger over it.

I hope im not overheating it, i wouldn't think so seeing as i rarely ever combust anymore with it.

Will update with pics later.

Do you have the older plate design with notches. Or the new smooth plate ?

A cracked plate with the old design usually came from wear and tear (flexing of the metal as the plate was heated and cooled constantly). The new plate supposedly prevents cracking. I have yet to hear any reports of a cracked plate with the new design... Mine is holding up GREAT

Just found my Lotus (lost it for a few weeks in storage, lol). Had a nice session last night. Damn did I miss her!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Interesting! wow, didn't think the new plates would crack so easily! Mine is working great


Putin is a War Criminal
Normally when plates crack the user starts having a problem with combustion. If your plate is cracked you probably need to replace it. The plates are warrantied for a year, so if your Lotus is younger than that they should send you one at no charge, you need only contact them. Otherwise they are $15 I believe and come with an allen wrench to replace them.


Space is the Place
I don't look for the dot. I hit it with the torch for 6-8 seconds all while drawing and of late i've just been using the long stem so I only see my vapor production when i exhale but I see lots of them vapors being produced when I do. Lately my lotus has been getting quite a bit of use, been enjoying it a lot the last few weeks while mixing up sessions with a handful of torch powered vapes and notice i'm reaching for the lotus more often to pair with others these days.



Darth Vapor
I don't wait for a glow, i go more by feel and taste when using the standard long stem, and adjust my flame height and draw by how warm the vapor feels coming into my mouth. At this point it is very automatic, and i can adjust to diffrent lighters and flame lengths on the fly.

I am really surprised how much i use the Lotus with standard stem. I like it better than the wpa or j hook. I like being able to feel the heat and vapor and adjust accordingly. This is much harder to feel out with the wpa through a water tool.

The power and the speed the lotus has, is great and the fact it fits in your pocket is even better. It may be because its my newest vape, but i have been reaching for the lotus more often than anything else in my lineup the last week or two. Cheers.


Darth Vapor
@IAmKrazy2 How do you think the lotus with standard stem compares to the vapman?

Different beasts, no doubt. But i enjoy the Lotus much more. The deeper bowl, ability to load full nugs, taste, ease of loading and using, versatility, are all features i prefer with the lotus.

The vapman is certainly more efficient, smaller, and i like how you never take a drag with the torch running. But the lotus is more like the power of a home vape in your pocket.


Space is the Place
My Lotus and a vapman along with a vapman torch and a JyARz of bud all travel together in a Lotus carry pouch.
I Love doing one bowl in the lotus followed by a vapman bowl since I find mixing the vape signatures of a conduction vape and a convection vape take me where two bowls outta either one alone can't.



Darth Vapor
My Lotus and a vapman along with a vapman torch and a JyARz of bud all travel together in a Lotus carry pouch.
I Love doing one bowl in the lotus followed by a vapman bowl since I find mixing the vape signatures of a conduction vape and a convection vape take me where two bowls outta either one alone can't.


I also enjoy mixing convection and conduction elements together. also have toove vapes that use both at the same time. Cheers.

Seasoned Senior

Well-Known Member
My Lotus and a vapman along with a vapman torch and a JyARz of bud all travel together in a Lotus carry pouch.
I Love doing one bowl in the lotus followed by a vapman bowl since I find mixing the vape signatures of a conduction vape and a convection vape take me where two bowls outta either one alone can't.


100% in agreement. Admitting I'm a heavy-duty user, I need to mix strains and delivery methods to keep things interesting.


Putin is a War Criminal
Can you guys tell me what you mean exactly by "take me where two bowls outta either one alone can't"?
Do you mean it get's you higher, or is it in some other manner different? I guess I should be asking @RUDE BOY this as it is his quote, but any of y'all that feel similarly can respond. I haven't really noticed the "signature" effect being very noticeable with the different vapes I have other than getting higher or less high, and I can usually get to the former by just vaping more.

Maybe I should be creating a thread in Ask FC for this question...

David and Michael

Omf lol, yea that's bad.

Does everyone wait for the red glow to start hitting their Lotus? I was enjoying mine the other day, I never look for or watch the glow, Instead I watch the vapor production!
When the Lotus is new there may not be a glow when vaporizing starts as the hot plate is touching the metal diffuser plate under it, which keeps it cooler. As the hot plate ages and distorts it won't be touching the lower plate so it will glow when producing vapor.
On another note - How is conduction better than convection? I thought that convection was the 'holy grail' for even heating.


well-worn member
Can you guys tell me what you mean exactly by "take me where two bowls outta either one alone can't"?
Do you mean it get's you higher, or is it in some other manner different? I guess I should be asking @RUDE BOY this as it is his quote, but any of y'all that feel similarly can respond. I haven't really noticed the "signature" effect being very noticeable with the different vapes I have other than getting higher or less high, and I can usually get to the former by just vaping more.

Maybe I should be creating a thread in Ask FC for this question...
You can build a tolerance to a particular vaporizers' "signature", just like you can for a particular mj strain. So if you want to keep things "fresh" in regards to effects, you can keep these factors rotated and you won't fall into a rut. That's the theory anyways, and keeping things mixed up seems to work for many of us.

There are many different active ingredients in mj, and the proportions change from strain to strain. Likewise, different vaporizers arrive at their vapor in ways that are thermodynamically unique to one another; this also changes the available ratio of these active ingredients and we can build a tolerance to these ratios.


Putin is a War Criminal
OK, I didn't know that. I am a little surprised, but being on a path to knowledge there is always room for more. This may take me a little while to get my head around, tho, as it is not intuitive. I think I will explore this concept of signatures, but I will do it elsewhere.


Space is the Place
@cybrguy grokits answer pretty much sums up my thinking on mixing up vapes in a session or evening better then i could of right now, it is something that warrants more investigation from all of us I think.



well-worn member

At least 85 different phytocannabinoids (thc is just one of these), have been isolated from the cannabis plant. And these are just the cannabinoids, there's so much we don't know yet about this most sacred of all plants. About a decade or so when I looked this up we had only managed to "discover" 67 of them.

A great example of how much we don't know is the existence of the entourage effect:
"There are more than 480 natural components found within the cannabis plant... While science has not yet shown the exact role or mechanism for all these various compounds, evidence is mounting that these compounds work better together than in isolation."

When we change vapes or strains, we change the ratio of the cannabinoids that we're ingesting. This lets us stay ahead of the cannabinoid receptors that our body manufactures to deal with the effects of these compounds, which is how we can build up a tolerance to them. These varying ratios are also what gives us so many different kinds of effects to choose from, as we know from different strains.
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