So I got my replacement parts for my lotus. I am sooooo glad to have this bad boy back in commission. It's funny because I got this as a camping, power outage, zombie apocalypse vape fully expecting it to sit on the shelf. That it would be rarely used and more of a novelty vape. Man I was so wrong this thing has quickly taken a
solid place in my rotation and is probably my most used vape while at home right now.
Replacing the bowl.... So the bowl I got didn't
quite fit like my original. It was just the teeny tiniest bit bigger and for a minute there I thought I was going to have to send it to Max or buy a new dry stem. I finally decided after carefully trying to put it in for over 30 mins using a variety of techniques and failing. That I had nothing to lose at this point. I put a bit of bees wax on the bowl and dry stem lined it up as best as I could. Then proceeded to use a C-clamp to press the bowl section into the dry stem...

After I get the bowl partially inserted and I am at the point of no return I realize it is slightly crooked and isn't going in properly aligned (insert scary music here). I did what any lotus owner would do and tried to keep from flipping the

out. The next 10 minutes I felt like a tight rope walker over a lion pit. It was nerve wracking, scary and butt clenching all at the same time. Finally after repeatedly switching pressure points with the clamp to slowly force the bowl back into proper alignment. All the while hearing these horrifying crunches and clicks that sounded a million times louder to me then they probably were with my precious lotus stem in a vise. I was finally triumphant!!

! My dry stem is still airtight and the lotus cap sits flush with the stem and is back to producing huge flavorful clouds again.
All in all it was a terrifying experience that I wouldn't wish on any lotus owner to endure, but I am
VERY appreciative of
@Max Jitter for getting me squared away so quickly.
Edit: This was post number 1,000 seems fitting.