It's been about a month since my
first post and initial problems, and I sit here after some quality time with the Lotus and figure I owe FC my thoughts, if only for posterity. I'll leave my mark on the world
I kind of bought the Lotus on a whim, as something to use off-the-grid where a battery just doesn't make sense. I never intended to use it as frequently as I now enjoy is my point, and my Solo and EQ have been collecting dust and will likely find their way to a more appreciative home very soon.
That's how wonderful the Lotus is, as has been reiterated throughout this thread. It's simple and beautiful, efficient and sure as hell effective. I had no real problems with my Solo before, but now it seems so mindless and uninvolved (and slow!) that it's hardly a joy to use any more. What I achieved in 12 minutes with the Solo I can do in under 2 with the Lotus, and I find the clouds much denser and tastier.
I absolutely love not ever needing to be tethered to an outlet, though I think I'll pick up an E-Nano for those occasions.
I've been using domed screens (shaped like a 'u' in the chamber) to make cleaning a little easier - even after I've dumped all my material there's still one last milky hit to be had from the screen(s).
To those considering the Lotus, consider no longer - there is no doubt this little beauty will leave you more than satisfied.
I wish there was more I could say, but I'd be preaching to the choir and beating a dead horse all at the same time.
I placed an order from the J Hook, the hex screwdriver and two replacement hot plate kits about a week before the new plates were released and they very kindly let me exchange them, so A++ customer service for sure.
I don't have the ideal piece of glass to pair with my Lotus just yet though - I'll have to pick up that d020 when I get the chance.
I considered a JET waterpipe but their aesthetic and design is so contrary to the Lotus that I don't know if I could stand it.
I'm completely under the Lotus' control now.. it's invaded the very base constituents of my being, and I don't think I want it any other way