You could try azarius.nlHow can I clean the whip tube... I have read you can use ISO for cleaning... How is it best done?
I want to buy 2 new whip tubings but I am from europe and shipping would cost 15$.., maybe someone know where I can buy this in europe...
Hey Everyone,
We have some exciting news to share with you! We have two new units set to release soon.
Let me Introduce to you:
The HydroBrick
Retail $154.95
1 pair of Led tweezers
1 ss stick
2 corks
5 screens
2 wood stir sticks
1 torch.
The unit will not come with mouthpeice or whip adapter.
18.8mm Female Mouthpeice for HydoBrick
-$14.95 if purchased w/ HydroBrick
-$24.95 if purchased separate
16" whip, 18.8mm F, and one other connector (18 or 14mm M or F)
- $14.95 if purchased w/HydroBrick
- $24.95 if purchased separate
The HydroBrick Maxx
Retail $199.95
-Matching Wooden magnetic lid to cover integrated storage compartments
-Dry mouthpeice
-Whip and connectors
-Glass vial for material
Accessory pack:
1 led tweezers
1 ss stick
2 corks
5 screens
2 wood stir sticks
1 torch
This unit has a lid that completely covers the storage area that can fit the intake tube, glass vial and stir stick. It is very convenient and feels like having a vaping station.
Both units feature a 18mm glass connection.
Sticky Brick Labs will be officially releasing the HydroBrick on September 26, 2016 at Champs Trade Show in Denver, Colorado.
We wanted to release it sooner but there was such an enormous demand/ response for the Sticky Brick Junior that we've had to put that as our first priority at the moment.
We are looking forward to the release and everyone enjoying these new units!
Have a great day everyone!
Sticky Brick Labs
hi guys,so i have been using the maxx for a couple of weeks now and all of a sudden it stops giving me vapor.
I honestly cant figure out what is causing this.No matter how close i hold the flame to the intake.The carb is plugged in.At first i got huge clouds but now nothing,the screen also is not clogged.What is going on?
i had contact with kenny from stickybricklabs and he helped me out.the screen in the bowl was clogged so i burned it clean and boom the clouds are back!Could be a clog in the vapor path after the screen before the 18mm joint? There is a narrow wooden path that could become clogged after time if not cleaned. Otherwise, airgap, herb, torch, I don't know what else could cause your symptoms since this is very simple tech here
i had contact with kenny from stickybricklabs and he helped me out.the screen in the bowl was clogged so i burned it clean and boom the clouds are back!
yeah classic stoner move....and thanks i try that!Oh haha yeah you said screen wasn't clogged before. Classic. I like to take hits without the bowl loaded after I've run several loads through to help keep the screen clean longer and hey, bonus vapor from an empty bowl!
yeah classic stoner move....and thanks i try that!
Sorry to hear about the tube you received in the giveaway. That tube is actually a vapor blunt glass tube. We picked up a few of them during the sale to giveaway. They are not for sale on our website.When I know I have absolutely NO obligation to-do that night I bring out the HydroBrick
and get sticky as fuck
Also some local beer and the stem is a 14mm Enano gong and the 18mm gong service as a mouthpiece for my DHGATE hydrotube
I used to have the Stickybrick hydrotube and that was mind-blowingly good except one day I was shaking it with some saltwater in it and the carb just broke :/
okey except that part that would be fixed by Sticky labs but I won mine in a contest and it happened like 3-4 months later so never even complained but the draw was the best of any of my old pieces
all my glass has been dhgate and all has broken at the end, but even though the stickybrick labs one broke by just cleaning (probably had a fault in the glass) it stayed cleaner, much better holes for air flow and again much easier to clean !
pppps. think this sales pitch is going horrible for Sticky brick glass BUT your probably way less poor then me AND you have an eye for quality and probably also handsome
so get Hydrobrick glass
Sweet hoop bro and nice brick , ty for the idea , i'm actually going to try that exact thing tonight , some concentrate right on top of my flower in the brick. I just hope it does not get to sticky in there.Got the basketball driveway finished played a shit ton of ball now I am ready to relax.Got some flower topped with some concentrate in the HydroBrick.Listening to Killer Mike Ric Flair, WOOOOOOOOOooooooooo !!!!!.Drinking a Funky Buddha Buffalo In The Park .
For the ex bong smoker my vote is go for the MAXX it definitely qualifies at producing potent vapor with minimal material and it’s fun to use once you get everything dialed in.hi, i have several vapes in rotation, but since i got my sb jr, everything else is collecting dust. even ey plenty, tubo, milaana, vapecap etc.
but since i am an idiot and already burned my jr pretty badly, i need to get another brick. i was a bong smoker before i started vaping about 3 years ago. now the jr brought back to me, what i was missing: getting floored in two hard rips with less amount of herb, than i needed smoking a bong.
so my next brick should be be exactly or even harder hitting.
which one to get, if potency and effiency are the main targets, i do dot reaaly care for taste.
concidering the hydro maxx or the og.
thx for advice ordered this morning at vapefiend uk, will arrive tomorrow in munich, germany. yippiiieee
Great videos! Thank you for posting these.Hydrobrick Maxx not fucking around