u bwade wunner
Well-Known Member
thanks boobs .I saw youre little nug jar on another post.Jeez Man! if R Paul wins Im emigrating there for sure.
With the SS tip I slide my stem into the hot heat port, draw on the stem and then just as the vapor taste starts to get too hot, I pull the stem out and draw cool room air into the hot vapor and pull it on back.pretty sweet man.The Hi extracts such a lot in one go that a little cool air coming into the mix at the end won t make a big change to your e hit but does cool it nicely.
there must be a few other Hi's working away living the dream out there.Pls don t be shy.Id love to see what you roll with.

With the SS tip I slide my stem into the hot heat port, draw on the stem and then just as the vapor taste starts to get too hot, I pull the stem out and draw cool room air into the hot vapor and pull it on back.pretty sweet man.The Hi extracts such a lot in one go that a little cool air coming into the mix at the end won t make a big change to your e hit but does cool it nicely.
there must be a few other Hi's working away living the dream out there.Pls don t be shy.Id love to see what you roll with.