Hope you enjoy the (LONG) read. Its worth it... trust me. mom, I don't want any lectures.
Well, tonight was an adventure! In more ways than one. However, I left... after knocking (6) twenty-something's into the next stratosphere. I even included AWESOME theatrics (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).
Buddy that hooked me up this afternoon, told me to stop by around 9pm, after he and his twin brother, got off work. I get over there and at first I only see the brothers, a friend I don't know and no roommate. I had come prepared...
Tonight, it wasn't going to be a small/medium vapor piece and a MFLB, which they do typically light up for, upon its arrival. Nope, tonight was THE BDV Megatube and HIsaber Sumac! Jose, the roommate showed up shortly. He seems to have a nose, when free herb is around. Dude is a vaccum cleaner around a bong. Plus, he does this damn cheater hit (blows out and inhales thru his nose) on the pull... just annoys the shit out of me. He's also a know-it-all. He was firing off all these other vapes, asking me if I knew about them... I guffawed and said, none of them, will hit him upside the head, like the combo I brought tonight. He tried to even act unimpressed with THE BDV Megatube. LOL! Even low-balled its value. Don't worry, everyone in the room, drooling... knew he was nuts.
Plug in HIsaber Sumac, buddy donates some Strawberry Master, to the JedHI cause. Wait the 5 minutes. Load one up for the mooch... and hardly nuthin'. WTF!? I feel the HI. Its slightly warm. First I panicked though.... @#$%! I broke my HI! Second thought, "hey dude... you have power issues here?" Sure enough, half the sockets don't work and not a good idea to plug into the top one. Great...
So, I plug into a different socket and can immediately feel HIsaber Sumac warming up. Whew!
Get the mooch loaded up and ready to go. Unfortunately, he acts like he's trying to suck a watermelon through a water hose. 4 consecutive times. I exclaim... "Let me see that!" BDV's going to show them how its DONE! (this is where it gets good).
Quick update: About this time, (2) new friends, I didn't know (Justin and Drew: current and/or ex-gang bangers + ex-cons), basically 2 badasses show up. They start to make their way, towards the dining room, where we were... when I rocked the party into HIGH GEAR!
I stand up (mistake #1). I notice I'm feeling a little low on the BP (mistake #2 - not heading observation). Grab hold of THE BDV, HIsaber Sumac feels warm in my hands, ready to go! Apply, start the good steady draw off the beast. Really cloud that @#$%er up, ya know? Then WHOOOOOOSH! I clear, like only I know how to do, with THE BDV. A quick, hard, short pull... and grab hold of something (mistake #3... I didn't grab hold of anything). Next, I vaguely remember Justin and Drew drawing closer. I set THE BDV down (first right thing I did). I held the pull, I was fighting the cough (HUGE HIT). Next thing I know... I'm looking at lots of feet.
Why am I looking at feet and who the @#$% keeps saying, "John... are you OK!?" Then, I realize those feet are on the floor... so am I. Where the @#$% am I, what just hit me and damn it felt good! Let's do it again!
Meanwhile, Justin and Drew have turned around. One, they think the white dude has suddenly died. Two, as Drew said... "Whatever the @#$% that is, I don't want anything to do with it!" (Sidenote: Later he was hitting top shelf kief covered X Blue Dream (never heard of it) rips off THE BDV.)
I arose. Cleared the cobwebs and started to laugh. I knew the reality of what happened. It was syncope. My low BP, with the BIG vapor hit, followed by a huge/fast intake of air, is a good way to help a little head rush... turn into lights out, hello floor, in my reality. I'd rather it was low, than the alternative. But, it took a while to convince them, it was me... not the herb, tube, or HIsaber Sumac (though it does bite).
When I got there, they had their cheap tobacco store straight tube. Loaded with a top shelf bowl. Later, Wilfred showed up (another tough guy, gang banger). Justin had shown up, because he wanted EVERYONE to try his odd but potent Blue Dream strain and the $20 of top shelf kief he bought... stuff was some of the finest grind, crystal-laden, sparkly kief, I've seen. By the time, I was packing up to go. That same fresh load, in that dirty and nasty combustion tube, was still sitting there. Never been touched... and EVERYONE except Chris (who rarely indulges) was beyond blasted. Each kept commenting on how clean it was. I almost had to go to pick-a-number, because everyone would decide they wanted another pull, at the same time. Some, having had more than others. Though, all were satisfied, by the time I left. Plus, I made 3 new friends.
They also thought it was hilarious when their suspicion, the white guy was packing... was confirmed. As Drew said... "Man, I don't blame you. Its your equalizer." Yep, Drew... it is. Plus, Chris and Gary don't live in the best of neighborhoods (considering I was partying with 2 ex-cons and another probable). Though, I wasn't worried about them. Gary and Chris are good people. If they're friends of theirs... its good enough for me. Obviously, for them to. We all got along great.
P.S. How much credit do I get on my JedHI training/experience tonight and my Padawan label? Remember and consider... I DESTROYED (6) combusters, who then proceeded to ignore their lighters and dirty bongs.
Well, tonight was an adventure! In more ways than one. However, I left... after knocking (6) twenty-something's into the next stratosphere. I even included AWESOME theatrics (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).
Buddy that hooked me up this afternoon, told me to stop by around 9pm, after he and his twin brother, got off work. I get over there and at first I only see the brothers, a friend I don't know and no roommate. I had come prepared...
Tonight, it wasn't going to be a small/medium vapor piece and a MFLB, which they do typically light up for, upon its arrival. Nope, tonight was THE BDV Megatube and HIsaber Sumac! Jose, the roommate showed up shortly. He seems to have a nose, when free herb is around. Dude is a vaccum cleaner around a bong. Plus, he does this damn cheater hit (blows out and inhales thru his nose) on the pull... just annoys the shit out of me. He's also a know-it-all. He was firing off all these other vapes, asking me if I knew about them... I guffawed and said, none of them, will hit him upside the head, like the combo I brought tonight. He tried to even act unimpressed with THE BDV Megatube. LOL! Even low-balled its value. Don't worry, everyone in the room, drooling... knew he was nuts.
Plug in HIsaber Sumac, buddy donates some Strawberry Master, to the JedHI cause. Wait the 5 minutes. Load one up for the mooch... and hardly nuthin'. WTF!? I feel the HI. Its slightly warm. First I panicked though.... @#$%! I broke my HI! Second thought, "hey dude... you have power issues here?" Sure enough, half the sockets don't work and not a good idea to plug into the top one. Great...

Get the mooch loaded up and ready to go. Unfortunately, he acts like he's trying to suck a watermelon through a water hose. 4 consecutive times. I exclaim... "Let me see that!" BDV's going to show them how its DONE! (this is where it gets good).
Quick update: About this time, (2) new friends, I didn't know (Justin and Drew: current and/or ex-gang bangers + ex-cons), basically 2 badasses show up. They start to make their way, towards the dining room, where we were... when I rocked the party into HIGH GEAR!
I stand up (mistake #1). I notice I'm feeling a little low on the BP (mistake #2 - not heading observation). Grab hold of THE BDV, HIsaber Sumac feels warm in my hands, ready to go! Apply, start the good steady draw off the beast. Really cloud that @#$%er up, ya know? Then WHOOOOOOSH! I clear, like only I know how to do, with THE BDV. A quick, hard, short pull... and grab hold of something (mistake #3... I didn't grab hold of anything). Next, I vaguely remember Justin and Drew drawing closer. I set THE BDV down (first right thing I did). I held the pull, I was fighting the cough (HUGE HIT). Next thing I know... I'm looking at lots of feet.
Why am I looking at feet and who the @#$% keeps saying, "John... are you OK!?" Then, I realize those feet are on the floor... so am I. Where the @#$% am I, what just hit me and damn it felt good! Let's do it again!
Meanwhile, Justin and Drew have turned around. One, they think the white dude has suddenly died. Two, as Drew said... "Whatever the @#$% that is, I don't want anything to do with it!" (Sidenote: Later he was hitting top shelf kief covered X Blue Dream (never heard of it) rips off THE BDV.)
I arose. Cleared the cobwebs and started to laugh. I knew the reality of what happened. It was syncope. My low BP, with the BIG vapor hit, followed by a huge/fast intake of air, is a good way to help a little head rush... turn into lights out, hello floor, in my reality. I'd rather it was low, than the alternative. But, it took a while to convince them, it was me... not the herb, tube, or HIsaber Sumac (though it does bite).
When I got there, they had their cheap tobacco store straight tube. Loaded with a top shelf bowl. Later, Wilfred showed up (another tough guy, gang banger). Justin had shown up, because he wanted EVERYONE to try his odd but potent Blue Dream strain and the $20 of top shelf kief he bought... stuff was some of the finest grind, crystal-laden, sparkly kief, I've seen. By the time, I was packing up to go. That same fresh load, in that dirty and nasty combustion tube, was still sitting there. Never been touched... and EVERYONE except Chris (who rarely indulges) was beyond blasted. Each kept commenting on how clean it was. I almost had to go to pick-a-number, because everyone would decide they wanted another pull, at the same time. Some, having had more than others. Though, all were satisfied, by the time I left. Plus, I made 3 new friends.
They also thought it was hilarious when their suspicion, the white guy was packing... was confirmed. As Drew said... "Man, I don't blame you. Its your equalizer." Yep, Drew... it is. Plus, Chris and Gary don't live in the best of neighborhoods (considering I was partying with 2 ex-cons and another probable). Though, I wasn't worried about them. Gary and Chris are good people. If they're friends of theirs... its good enough for me. Obviously, for them to. We all got along great.
P.S. How much credit do I get on my JedHI training/experience tonight and my Padawan label? Remember and consider... I DESTROYED (6) combusters, who then proceeded to ignore their lighters and dirty bongs.