The HI


Pure Vaporist
Oh @#$%! So, smacking her upside the head, was the wrong response?

You can't hear the sound,,,,,but if you could,,,,,the kid keeps saying 'HI'



Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
What do you mean by "clicky" 10 position, u bwade?

I have the same model Jeppy is getting, and the dial turns around and around until you get the voltage desired.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
Ah, I see. There is a "soft click" to the dial as you turn it, but it turns infinitely in each direction. It's a solid unit. Very nice, indeed.

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
VH I like that.the double unit with independent temp dials looks nice too.two logs for vaking one for scented oils:D
My better half has been ill all weekend and the Hi has provided relief with her sinuses.I filled it with some eucalypt and she was good to go.

Damn jeppy
My T break has lasted 3 weeks now go away:lol:

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
you ve done it now Jeppy.
Got my grinder on the go.:rockon:
Maybe if I m lucky she ll pop around later once I ve had a few bowls.

what a tight ass with his embedding:rant:just click on the you tube link bttm right of the link.Its the least you can do after that episode:doh:

I ve had no issues with my cheapy VV psu yet.But next time I ll get the hildenbrandt.
issues with the cheaper $20 psus are heat build up inside the casing.They don t have vents etc..
Ive drilled holes and fitted screens in mine to allow heat to escape and fitted a decent heatsink to the regulator.It runs great 8 hours or so a day.Does your Hild VV get hot at all vaping hole?
u bwade wunner,
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Ed's TnT

Really nice mods Ubwade, sounds like you are enjoying those pieces, thats what I like to hear!

I am still really digging my HI and the wooden tube, like how it feels on the lips and soothes the vapor. It really is a solid vape and surprises me every time I use it. One question though, I got this little small steel tool, flattened on one end and must do something, just not sure what its purpose is. Anyone know?

u bwade wunner

Well-Known Member
Hi Ed.

That is i believe without looking at it the power socket removal tool which allows You to change the element resistor if it fails.
If you remove the L shaped power plug and look up into the base of the unit you will see the power socket.That tool you have should grip the power socket and allow removal,anticlockwise of course.go gentle when you tighten it back into the wooden threads of the Hi...When you feel it begin to tighten stop,that will be enough.
It makes the Hi such a practical unit,you can change the resistor yourself without shipping it back to Alan.The other great thing i have noticed is zero charring inside the Hi after 6 months.the inner SS sleeve takes care of that.
I use mine everyday for oils and also damiana,gingko,lotus and other herbs:) In fact i have a large herb garden,adding more everyday.

best of luck and thanks Ed

Vape N Bake

Make 'em. I believe a few of the HIjokers in here, make 'em for members for basically the cost, if I'm not mistaken.
Thanks BDV,
That's what I figured. I am a Manufacturing Engineer and I really never messed with electronics. It would be great if someone posted a DIY video so I could learn to do it myself.
Vape N Bake,


Pure Vaporist
bwade,,,my VVPS has vents but still overheats. I shut it off yesterday and was thinking about what you said about the heat. This morning I turned it on and plugged in the HI and it never wavered more then 1/10 a volt. So you are definately correct. I still can't wait to get the Hildbrandt. I have a request of all the current JedHi's. Can you post a pic of the glass you use with your HI? Even if you are waiting. What do you plan to 'run' with your HI sabre?


here for the chicks
I think we used to have a glass thread dedicated to log vapes, perhaps you should check it out Jeppy.

I started out with this:


It's the Ehle in my sign (more links & pictures there). It's a really nice quality piece, simple but very versatile and basically all the diffusion you could need with vaper.

But I do like pretty things & I've wanted a nice bubbler for ages, so I recently treated myself to this :luv:


It is technically a 7 arm, but only six arms are slitted so it basically functions like a 6 arm with a 7th arm in the center that only fires when clearing it fast. More pictures here.
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