obelisk said:
Re the UD twigs, from the little I know, the 1/4" cores offer different hits than the regular 3/8" cores, yes?
All UDs, including Twigs, are now made with the heavier-hitting 3/8" cores. For those unfamiliar with UD models:
"Twigs" are small, narrow units similar to the HI. They actually run hotter than normal-sized UDs, given the same type of wood. They cost around $150, +/- about $10 depending on wood, complexity of construction, etc. They include silicone stems, power supply, etc.
"Normal" UDs are larger in size, roughly the same as a PD. Their costs are higher and vary more heavily, as reflected on the UD website. They often consist of several different pieces of wood glued together, with the extra material and increased complexity of construction accounting for the price hike over the Twigs.
"Lost Dogs" are UDs with cosmetic defects such as scratches, dents and hairline cracks. They're discounted, allowing you to purchase a "normal" UD for roughly the same price as a Twig, or a little more, for example.
In general with the UDs, greater wood mass = cooler temperatures. The extreme of this is the Tortuga, which is very large. Stroh, the owner of the UD Tortuga, says that it's the coolest running UD he's tried.
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I think it's important to quickly squash easily-squashable misconceptions when we're comparing these notably-similar log vapes, especially in a post-PD environment when innovation and improvements are happening extremely quickly. I think it's also very important that CRZ, PDs, TTs, HIs, OCDs, UDs etc. receive comparisons whenever possible, even if that may best be done in a different thread.