What i like about Youre Hi Alan is you can get thick clouds on slow draw at 11.4 but also really thick vapor drawing fast on 12.4v.The Hi is perfect for vaping the last remnants from abv because of its variable heat.
To give you an idea of the heat mine produces.My friend combusted into my glass piece last night for the first time.we vaped and watched the big lebowski for giggles and some eight ball,after work stuff with some beers.
We had been vaping bags all night and i decided to bring out Jessica to send my Mate home with a bang.I preheated her to 14.4v but forgot to turn it down when it reached temp.oops!
Best thing is my friend hated the combustion after vaping all night

.he put my glass down and just exclaimed "Yuck".
He loves getting hi-balled.I m surprised he did nt notice the temps on my VV.I think I have converted him to vapor though
Its pretty hard to combust with the Hi. its happened twice now and both were when i had 14+ volts running through her.
thank you Alan.
The Hi REvolution is in full swing here

still my goto everyday.and slowly helping to rid the world of unnecessary combustion.
I cant imagine how this little killer vape can be improved on.
Hey jeppy have a wkd time.I will be getting Hi in Cali this November.Cant wait to check your e state out!
loving the Boobsmeister rips and all the new Hiporn.keep it coming