My HI was a total HIt, Master JedHI. I had a couple vapes out, and the HI stole the show. I just love showing tHIs tHIng off and don't get too many chances to do so.
Me neither VH....the Hi takes on a life of its own with glass.I ve managed to get big instant plumes with temps a little higher than 12v on my crz stem.still experimenting with all the different stem combinations and temps to find the best results and also being careful not to combust.Ive expanded the bowl on eds crz brass bowls so they are a real tight fit in the heatport.only heated air now hitting my bowl and no stray air being sucked in at the heatport/bowl joint.I guess thats what makes vapes like the Hi so much fun to play with.
Eds crz stems are a little too big for a 14mm joint and too loose in an 18mm joint.
Ive been cutting 5mm off my 12mm silicone hose and making an oring for my stems so they seal in a 18mm dewarr.Works so well the crz stem is perfect maintenance bowl for me during the day.
next to try is the nipple stem.ive got the test tubes and tools to make them up thanks to Alan.I broke all the ones i made earlier in the year .they are a little fragile but simple to make,cheap but so worth it. very little heat transfer loss.Most of the heat hits youre herb and doesn t get used up heating metal etc.another of alans real clever ideas
I ordered that psu Oth.i just need to get a dark tinted sticker to dull the display when it arrives.even my current psus blue display keeps me awake at night next to my bed.I miss out on aromatherapy while i sleep.I like that the new psu stays current psu gets hot, good excuse to spend more money
boobs and jeppy,you made my stay in California just perfect.Thanks
One love FC and Hi Family