-----Answer to Vaping with oil on hemp fiber----
I bought degummed hemp fiber online. I can't recall where but I got a huge box of it for $20 or $30 shipped in the US. It will take me years to go through all of this one tiny pinch at a time.
I am not sure exactly what question you are asking. I am not vaping oil. I am vaping flower but some of the thc condenses onto the hemp fiber filter and I can then vape that off like an oil hit. It is very similar to oil but a different thc profile. Oil is extracted usually through butane or high grain alcohol. In my case I am boiling off the thc/cbd and some of that condenses out before it makes it to my lungs. It would not be the same as oil but it affects me similarly. When I can get some oil to my friends I will try to compare effects on different days.
I think the question you are asking is "what % of my hit am I losing by using the filters" I would guess that it is 10% less strong but it is not lost because after about 15 sessions I have enough oil build up for 1 or 2 sessions off just the reclaim hemp fiber. I feel it is even more efficient because my glass never gets that honey buildup that you see others get over time. My glass stays fairly clean at the intake joints but my hemp fibers get really gunked up as well as a nice honey buildup on my glass adapters. I have been cleaning them in a jar of iso every month or so and that jar is now really dark brown. I am tempted to let that evaporate off to see how the reclaim is but I may end up just tossing it since there is a lot of particulate matter in there I don't want to deal with.
Check out my detailed post and follow up posts in the Vaping with Cotton forum. I have pics and a little bit of a scientific experiment showing how my hemp fiber grew in weight over 29 EVO sessions and how I was able to vape that off to get back to my original hemp fiber weight. I would say an EVO session uses and condensates about as much oil as a herbalizer session.
-----Question on Volcano Solid Valve-----
I have a question for those using the Solid valve system. I broke down and bought this really wanting to try it out but for some reason vapor leaks like crazy through the plastic slits. I found a post from mma fighter with the same issue but did not see anyone else have this. I don't have a Volcano to try out but it seems like this problem would happen on a volcano as well. Does anyone have any recommendation on how to fix this?
I also have some newbie questions on using the solid valve that anyone whoever used a volcano probably knows but I don't
1. How much do you fill the volcano bowl when using with the herbalizer letting the thing sit on top? That is a huge bowl
2. Do you use the plunger to pack down the herb or do you leave it fluffy. If you pack it down then how tightly do you pack it down?
3. Do you remove the plunger when attaching the bowl to the balloon? I left mine in but maybe that is wrong. It seems like it would work either way.
4. How do you keep vapor from leaking through the plastic slits? Looking inside it seems like a plastic on plastic seal which would explain the leaks. What am I doing wrong here? I watched a Volcano tutorial video and I am doing exactly the same thing as them yet mine leaks. Do I have a bad solid valve set? I have a good seal to the yellow ring to the herbalizer so I would imagine it would be the same as a Volcano as far as air flow.