.....................................................................................What size miniVAP Flexicone baskets due you use. I could be wrong but do they come in medium and larger size? Thank you for the solid info guys
very cool!!! do you get a little less vapor clouds with the hemp filter by any chance?
Apologies if off topic but would an Herbie or a Supreme compliment my collection better? Leaning to the Supreme cause so much cheaper but the $400 Chongs Choice is really enticing to me.....I've always wanted a Herbie and feel it may bring something different to my collection but I'm not sure.
That steak and lobster comparison really got me thinking lol. I have an EVO.....love it.
...................................................................................................Apologies if off topic but would an Herbie or a Supreme compliment my collection better?
Hi everyone,
I'm considering the Herbie as my first ever desktop vape due to the great reviews and potential of the unit.
I do have a few questions though, because if I do pull the trigger on one, I want to make sure I get everything I need for it to be perfect (accessories wise).
I tried to find a compiled list of things to buy; however, came up empty handed. So hopefully this post can help some people while also getting confirmation from the Gurus here:
Herbie Accessories List:
- MiniVAP Flexicones
- MiniVAP Baskets
- MiniVAP O-Rings
- 7th Floor Tubing (is this the right tubing?)
- Degummed Hemp Fiber
Going to call on @MinnBobber for help, as I'm essentially going off of all your posts to combat some of the apparent downfalls of the Herbie. (Apologies in advance, but lot of your previous posts with images are broken).
I think this is the complete list; however, I think I also need a male adaptor for my water pipe, just not sure what mm right this second.
Thank you all in advance!!
PS: I would be picking up the Chong's Choice model.
..........................................................................................................Edit: Also... can I not order the Minivap flexione mods living in the United States? Where do I order these from if that is the case?
Why is the Chong's Choice verbalizer $100 less? Inferior product? Is it different at all? My sister and her bf just moved in together and I am trying to figure out what they should do.
RE miniVAP Flexicones- @stickstones is the US connection. See the miniVAP thread and note that he has a very recent thread so easy to find. Flexicone is used with bottom half of Herbie bowl and the V2 connector. OR-- it can be configured with bottom of herbie bowl + Flexicone basket module + hydratube directly mated to Flexi.
With V2 it's a more secure connection.
Superb vapor quality with a hydratube.
Chong's Choice is a "budget model" but all the top quality construction is there. It's just missing the "aroma therapy port" where you'd put some aroma oil (like lavendar) and Herbie would kick out lavendar vapor to fill the room. I never use this unnecessary feature. CC also has a feature the higher priced model does NOT have---ability to preset 4 temps/ your favorites. Great deal vs regular
Water use is basically 2 options:
1. my much preferred is direct connection with hydratube direct onto Flexi or V2.
2. whip connector to bubbler. This offers better ergonomics of bringing bubbler to you instead of leaning over hydratube.
For me, I'd rather not use tubing vs direct connection.
Stock Herbie whip is somewhat small inner diameter so some opt to rig with bigger diameter tubing. Originally I did tubing to glass joint to bubbler but now love the hydratube .
VapeXhale is having 20% off sale and they have very nice hydratubes AND they have "seconds" on sale too for approx $100 minus $20 sale plus almost $20 shipping so about $100. Fully functional but cosmetic imperfections.
I don't own any Chinese HT knockoffs so cannot advise on those
Degummed hemp fiber goes in my Flexicone lid/cover/ the top silicone cone. I have some great pictures BUT they are in Photobucket which went from free to big big cost so I can no longer link them here. I think I can attach pics to email from my computer storage of those pics??? If you PM me your email I can try to send.
Flexicone module is assembled: bottom wire rimmed basket, screen to contain herbage, tiny hemp filter above screen in the Flexi, Flexicone. It all snaps together into a "module"
Why does herbalizer scare you with .... So I'm new vaping hi everyone ... and I went to go purchase the chong choice herbalizer .... you have to check mark this thing that says you're old enough ... then you have this long list of all of these things saying how you're responsible for the privacy of your own accounts and all this other stuff honestly there was just way too much stuff to read and I'm thinking why do they post all that to scare people off ...then it said something about your responsible if you're not allowed to have this in your state well how do you know if you're allowed to have a herbalizer in your state ?
Thanks so much for giving me a breakdown of that after reading what you're saying that makes sense it's just I was just surprised because I had picked up a Vapexhale evo ... and never had any of that stuff pop up on their website ....I really appreciate you taking the time reply thank youThat's just the company covering their ass and following government rules/regulations.
Queries relating to age are to ensure you are responsible for reporting your eligibility to own the vape as per the government set rules. Usually greater than 18 or 21.
Queries relating to information and data protection are related to any personal info you pass on as the company has to follow guidelines to protect individuals personally identifiable information. They probably ask you to also sign a waiver to allow them to forward that data to 3rd parties maybe for warranty info or just plain marketing.
Statements relating to the legality of purchase laws by state are because not all states have legalised the use of cannabis so the company are covering themselves and ensuring its the responsibility of the individual purchasing to know their local state laws.
Basically, you have to be over a certain age to buy a vape, if you use it to imbibe cannabis its your responsibility to make sure you are completely within the law to do so and finally any personal data you provide like name, address or whatever within their accounts is your problem, if you use shitty passwords and your account gets hacked its on you, not them.
The last one is a little bit of a grey area as any company regardless of what is signed is expected to protect personally identifiable information within reason. However the user is also expected to use reasonable measures to protect their own information, such as proper use of passwords, not sharing accounts, etc....
It's all sounds like standard stuff.
Thanks so much for giving me a breakdown of that after reading what you're saying that makes sense it's just I was just surprised because I had picked up a Vapexhale evo ... and never had any of that stuff pop up on their website ....I really appreciate you taking the time reply thank you
make sense to me thank you so much for your helpMore than welcome.
Some companies have more mature policies in place to protect themselves than others. Most of the time it comes down to the company absolving themselves of any responsibility in case a user or government agency tries to take them to court.
It's not always the case but usually the larger to company the scarier the T's + C's appear but it boils down to:
Have a nice vape
- They own your data or meta data and can sell it or use it to do data mining
- You are responsible for using their products / services in a legal fashion.
- You are responsible for your own health not them
- If they are scientologists then you agree to everything they say or do for your next X many reincarnations <this last one is tongue in cheek, don't take it too seriously>
[/QU makes sense ....thanks
What's the best grinder to use for the herbalizer .. and what type grind is best... lose grind ... but not fine right ?