Well-Known Member
I've never used with an HT cause putting herbie in any position that's compromising isn't worth it to me. Why not just use the whip with a gong adapter right to your piece?
Because I am just crazy like that!!
Seriously though, I use a tiny amount of water in my HT, so unless I pass out I should be good.. But I guess never say never. I actually tried the whip attached to a GonG for about a week but the smell buildup in the whip was just too much. The Herbie tubing absorbs the vapor no matter how much you clean and I don't feel right about cutting new tubing every week or so - just seems wasteful. The SSV tubing Vito and others mentioned would do the trick if I wash it often but I cannot find it in the right diameter. I asked earlier in the thread but I guess nobody knows where to find that tubing in a smaller size.