Thanks for all the info. I did some more checking last night. Indeed, the fan pulsing happens much less frequently after about 7 or 8 minutes of the unit being on, and even less time if you crank it to higher temperatures. When it does come on after everything is in equilibrium, the sound is slightly softer, and not as bothersome. I downloaded an SPL meter app to get a better handle on it, and it measures 55-57 dB during initial fan pulses, and 49-52 dB after reaching equilibrium. At rest, the meter registers 40 dB. For me, the 5 dB drop does take the sound out of the "annoying" range after the unit has been on a while.
So I guess the issue is not really an issue. I'm just surprised that no one mentioned this relatively unique sound before... all I heard about was how quiet the fans were, that you could barely hear them at all.
Needless to say, I won't be bothering Josh on the weekend with this non-issue. However, I still won't be loading any material until I check on a different and very minor issue with Sheila during regular hours tomorrow.