Vapor concierge
I would love to hear your feedback, I think most would agree that you're one of the gurus with the herbalizer.
You're too kind! I've got a haze coming someday and will try it out when it gets here.
I would love to hear your feedback, I think most would agree that you're one of the gurus with the herbalizer.
First time I have seen this. Might have to PM someone to find out the Easter egg.
First time I have seen this. Might have to PM someone to find out the Easter egg.
I I noticed this ones comes up if you tilt the unit on its side
That implies (indirectly) that you want a portable that is convection based.From what's available on the market currently, what would you guys say (opinions) is the portable closest to being like the Herbalizer?
From what's available on the market currently, what would you guys say (opinions) is the portable closest to being like the Herbalizer?
I concur with stickstones and think the flavor is excellent. It only turns on when you take a draw. So you can carry it anywhere in the house and have instant vapor. The vapor is cool and hits me hard.The Elevape. The only problem is you may have to mcgyver it up on a regular basis. The Zion will be in the ballpark, as well. Zion will have analog control and the Elevape temps can be set with an app. But both of these vapes tout instant convection vapor on the go.
I love my Herbalizer. Wouldn't it be cool if they could make it into a portable version? Maybe they are working on it.![]()
The intake screen clogging by dust was one of my question never answered, i will check down there.
Could you produce a picture of it?
so I havent been keeping up with posts for a while, but I finally got my herbie. anyone care to help me avoid having to search through the post for Cool facts, tricks and tips, mods, favorite temps? I'm looking to become @stickstones educated on it haha
Hello fellow Herbalizer owners.
I wanted to compare notes with you about the plastic odor coming from my machine and was wondering if anyone could help me with an experiment. Try running your herbalizer without the bowl attached, then put your nose up to the machine and inhale. Do you smell plastic? When I do this with my unit, I smell the distinct odor of plastic. I just wanted to see if my machine was defective or if the plastic smell is universal across all units.
Thank you, and happy vaping!
My unit has seen daily use for a couple of months. The reason i ask is because recently i left the unit on for too long and I think it started to overheat. I wanted to make sure it wasn't off gassing so I ran it without the bowl and inhaled. This is the first time I've done this and I'm not sure if the unit has always smelled like plastic but I wanted to see if others noticed the same smell.How much use has your unit seen?
Thanks for the response. So you're saying that if you turn on your unit without the bowl, let it heat up, then run the fan and put your nose right up to the air and inhale, you don't smell any plastic unless it's the first run of the day?@VaporWizard I noticed this when I first got my unit, and it seemed to go away. I also noticed it a few times when I started up my unit for the first time of the day.... I'm not too sure what to say, but I was VERY OFFPUT when I first got it!
That post was something I wrote a few week ago, so there is a couple more posts I want to talk about.
Everyone keeps talking about aroma pads, I still find they are useless.
I have actually found a way that's super easy for oil.
When I have bud packed and the second screen on I can put oil, budder, etc on top of the second screen. I suck slowly, and it will MELT into the screen. Now I don't have to take my screen off anymore, I can just pack dabs, and go!
I also am surprised people use Herbie at such a high temp. I use mine at 390/410, mostly 390. I also notice that I get a bigger hit/it's hotter, when I use the whip, instead of my piece. I just take off the gong attachment, and take a hit, and notice I can get m ore out of it, and it seems to produce hotter air.
By the way, I wanted to mention about the herbie screen size.
I believe I measured, and someone else measured their screen at 9/16ths of an in. I was noticing that the top screen area is smaller, than the bottom, and I believe that the top is a 1/2ths"(8/16) and the bottom is a 5/8ths" (10/16)" I feel that it's a little loose on the bottom, and a little tight on top, so I figure if you buy 5/8ths" screens it will work out the best, especially for me and my method that uses the bottom portion, only.
I also like the minivap/extreme elbows being used, seems like it would fit more bud.
As for griding I don't know if I notice much of a taste difference, but I can pack a nug using my method as well, and have before I saw that peopel were trying it out with the regular method. It works okay, but you need to make sure to cover all of screen so you don't have excess air. Gridning helps with bigger clouds, and bigger tastes imo.
As for the "put me on a level surface" I have never gotten that warning, but I ddi have a herbie scare the other day."
The Screen Saver seems to come on every 10 mins. I usually have a session that will go with 3 of them, so about 30 mins. I should be sutting my unit off when not using it, but I take ahit, then go back to work or w/e.
The other day after 3 screen savers I go to turn it off and it wont shut off (ss will go off with touching any button). I also noticed that the fan lights were on, butg I don't think the fan was on (cooling fan WAS on), but not too sure if the loud fan was from the cooling fan, or fan assist.
Anyways nothing worked to turn the ss off, so I went to close my unit.
I closed my unit and the screen was still lit. It continued to stay on even when the lid was closed. I opened it up and tried to see if it would work and it seemed to start over again.
I shut the lid once more, and again it was still on. I removed the plug from the outlet, waited a little bit, then replugged in.
Everything works fine, BUT HOLY SHIT I WAS SCARED AND SAD....
Just wanted to warn others, in case this happens to them!!!!!
Good tips on cleaning out herbie as well people!!
@stickstones the top part is stem hash that collects. It hasn't really clogged, but I did stick my dabber in there to clean out the center areas and I did find a little more flow I guess, but the vapor quality, and quality amount wasn't affected at all. That is what it looks like when the top screen is removed permenantly. It will collect there, instead of in the screen, which I noticed it would get ressin in it, and you would have to iso torch that good stuff away. Now that isn't the case, and my resin builds up nicely, and my hits are much bigger!
I do not clean my screens at all. They haven't been cleaned really, only a couple times when they originally were used with the old method, they got torch cleaned.
I did torch a couple screens once I believe just to check it out, but I noticed it really didn't do muhc at all. The top screen CAN get dirty with my method, but until the original method, there is nothing getting "clogged." The bud is in the same spot the entire time, so nothing gets stuck there by used of the "Dryer method."
@VaporWizard I noticed this when I first got my unit, and it seemed to go away. I also noticed it a few times when I started up my unit for the first time of the day.... I'm not too sure what to say, but I was VERY OFFPUT when I first got it!
Good luck, happy vaping, and IMO check out the video I posted above for a much better method for using the Herbie!