I bought the Lotus after buying the Hammer and I can confirm after much testing (

) that the Hammer is the better vape for me. It's just so much simpler than the Lotus without sacrificing any power/potency.
Overall, I love being able to use the Hammer with one hand. It feels better than the Lotus in general to me. The "one hitter" type stems are really easy to refill. Refillng the lotus takes a little more time than sucking up herb through a glass straw.
The Hammer just looks
interesting. It looks like something that I would actually want to use. The Lotus is just too simple-looking for me to enjoy using it as much as I do the Hammer. If anything, I enjoy using my torches more than the Lotus itself. The Hammer feels much more durable to me as well, though I'm sure they share a similar durability. (this goes along with how the vape "feels" to me so it almost certainly won't apply to everyone).
What I do like about the Lotus is the ability to use a torch with a larger fuel capacity. Although I don't mind waiting for the Hammer to heat up (since it takes a little longer than a Lotus), I really hope that there will be a Hammer model with more room for the 'tane

One thing I did get out of buying the Lotus was the cap pouch, which fits very well on the Hamer if you wanna stuff a hot Hammer in your pocket (HOT POCKETS!

Also, while I'm on the topic of accessorizing, do you serial vapists still recommend using an Underdog silicone stem with the Hammer PRO model? I want a more durable backup stem. (this question is sort of directed towards you,
This "review" is rather subjective and I would go into more detail but I'm rather Hammered and I'd rather not. (3x "rather" combo, a new high score!!)