How?You're right, that is inconvenient.
On a side note I believe I am able to vape with conduction using the Hammer.
FC is my only form of social media so i cant win
Thanks @Head Tools and @Hammer Vaporizer for this great vape that deserves way more attention and respect!!!
in the unlikely event I don't win if the discount code is still active or will there be any 420 deals?
Are there any UK retailers? Also when I do get a Hammer I'll be sure to spread the word on this little island. Maybe even a cheeky review!
What butane would you guys recommend for the hammer? I'm about to buy some for a couple of torches I bought and I figured I might as well get some that suits the hammer since I plan on grabbing one this summer (finally!).
Would Vector be unnecessary in this application or is it pretty much a requirement ala the Iolite?
"The butane shouldn't effect the performance. We have always used the cheapest drug store bought butane (ie. Ronson) as we assumed most users wouldn't be going out of their way to buy premium filtered butane for the Hammer. We have never seen any issues that we would directly correlate to the type of butane being used." -hammer peeps
Make sure it's for lighters though
Cool. How can I tell if it's for lighters?
I use my Hammer at 100, have it heat up for 10 seconds, then start drawing around 20 I have a good amount of vapor and a tasty hit, then the next hits get a 3-10 second reheat.My hammer is at 90%- 100% heat all the time. For the first hit I let it heat up for 30-45 seconds then I stick the stem on and heat for ten before drawing. I do keep it fired up through most of the hit.
I like the screenless stems a lot and do think they're worth owning, dropping little nugs in the screenless gong with j hook/ mini rig is mighty tasty. But the screened ones really taste the same to me I don't notice that little screen affecting taste at all.
Keep practicing it'll soon be blowing you away.
When using the Vapolution how many hits do you get RUDE? And how long do you have to wait for the amount of vapor you desire.