So whats the deal with this thing lol?
I have to say I'm quite surprised by how little activity there is in this thread, especially compared to the amount of updates they put on their
blog, but I guess people are busy somewhere else and if I wanna see some action I'd better get the ball rolling!
So I'm thinking it could be interesting to recap what's known about this pen at this point (damn, what am I getting myself into!) and maybe have @
Zenpen to confirm what's listed and possibly answer a few questions.
First of all, this is what it looks like at the moment:
For more details check the
ZenPen overview
Convection pen
This is apparently a late change (or maybe just a surprise), is this confirmed yet?
Heats up to 210 C in ~ 5secs
Large temperature range 300-410F
Clean vapor path, heating element is medical grade brass
LiPo battery allows for high-power heating, long battery life 3+ hours!
You've mentioned reaching that kind of battery life thanks to isolation, but what model of battery is used here, will it be easily replaceable?
Tactile mechanical click button
Snap on magnetic usb charger allows for charging while vaping
The result seems to be a quite prominent button, is there some kind of carrying position to keep it "inside" the pen while not in use and that'd serve as a hold to avoid switching it on in a bag or pocket by accident?
Made of stainless steel, the Zenpen is practically indestructible
Sleek design, available in a range of colours or metal finish
Is this still true or will all the ZenPens be in titanium in order to anodized them in different colors?
User adjustable micro-processor controlled temperature, never burn your herb!
Any chance you can tell us a bit more about the way it works please?
Kickstarter campaign coming this fall for $99.
A little birdy is telling me this might very well occur this week, I hope you have lots of extra goals! (I know this is not a question
Accessories & customization: ZenPen had some poll asking for the type of case people would like to have but also one about some attachments (which I can't find...) listing a writing tip to use it like a real pen, a laser pointer (to wave your vape in front of your boss while doing some presentation!) and some more obvious ones like a waterpipe adapter and such.
I'm pretty sure once the technical guys from FC will start getting interested in this pen better questions will be asked, especially regarding how this pen performs and is intended to be used but could you please let us know already what result you got so far while QCing it?
Once again thanks for your patience guys and remember to

*(just wanted to use that emote, it's just too cool!)