Their only requirement is to deliver to us backers what they promised and what we paid for.
I don't think they have any duty to go out of their way to appease skeptical FC members by sending out beta versions, or making more videos. I'll trust them to do internal testing like any other manufacturer would. At this point, you either already sunk your money into it, or you have to wait until it's already been released and tested anyway. Updates for backers are always a plus, and compared to other funding I've supported, I'd say they are at least above average.
I really appreciated a lot of the hard questions people threw out when this was announced. This place does force manufacturers to keep it real. But given that the campaign ended months ago, it still feels like some people just WANT them to fail so they can say "I told you so." If this turns out to be a bunch of bullshit, and they release some piece of junk, then you have my permission to ridicule me for wasting a hundred bucks.
(Also, apologies *K, I see you only dug that up to answer a question)