New Member
What's up with the stainless steel cases? Have we got any word of that?
We know now that it will take most of May to get caught up on part shortages. This means that your estimated delivery will be pushed to late May or June depending on your place in line. Due to this inconvenience, any orders that are shipped late will receive an extra battery free of charge.
I asked Trevor and he said:Am I doing the math correctly? If the SS hopper weighs 60 grams. Than the Ti Grasshopper weighs 45g!? I ask because it doesn't seem correct. A convection vape that weighs 1.5 ounces which puts out 45w of power? To put it in perspective, I just weighed an IMR 18650 and it weighed 42 grams. An 18350 IMR weighed 22 grams. I know it's been asked before but was their a definitive answer if the weight was with the battery or not?
The weights are given with the battery in. 2.35oz for the Standard and a bit less than that for the TI. I don't have the exact number in front of me.
Is a year and a half late enough ?Due to this inconvenience, any orders that are shipped late will receive an extra battery free of charge.
It was down, how it's back up and there were some updates.Site is not down for me.
Get it in May, have it sooner, win.Got the email notice too. Pre-ordered mid March/15 with an estimated May ship date.
I'm getting stoked!!!
It's the stealth factor, power and 5 second heat up time that has me all stoked!! Just approx 4 or 5 more weeks to go. Crossing my fingers for the free battery.![]()
Yup, I don't get why they keep going w/ that line either, seems kinda myopic. I'm choosing to interpret the free battery message as all backers are getting free batteries, plus pre-orderers up to the last shipping revision a month or so ago.It still pisses me off to no end that they are privately telling people these are shipping while we can reasonably deduce that is not the case... (again I am a top 5 "holiday gift" backer). IF they are kicking down a free battery for preorders they should certainly do the same for IGG backers that have been waiting over a year and a half
The Rage of The Jilted Crowdfunder
The rancor is due, perhaps, to a fundamental confusion about what crowdfunding really is. On one hand, a backer is not a customer, because the product does not exist yet and may never; Kickstarter is constantly reminding its patrons that the platform is not a store.