March 17th 2015 Preorder (one SS hopper).
Address confirmation received June 12th. Shipping Confirmation received today June 16th at 12:02am!!
Looks like shipping label was created on June 14th in the afternoon, and it was delivered to the post office yesterday.
Estimated delivery is Saturday! (No I didn't pay the $10 for Priority shipping upgrade)
Apparently First Class mail DOES ship fast sometimes. Woke up this morning and checked the tracking - turns out the estimated shipping was UPDATED to today!! Finally around 10:30am it was out for delivery
Waiting until the 4:30pm mailman was painful - I wanted to be home by the door so I didn't miss any signature request (luckily there wasn't any).
5pm comes around, nothing in the mail. 5:30pm, I hear the rumble of my favorite truck. Looking out my window I see the mailman come....... and go, right past and on to the neighbors house.
Two houses down, the mailman stops...... and circles back around to drop off a package in the mailbox!
She's home! 15 months literally to the day I ordered it, my hopper is finally in my hands.
(Sorry for the focus!)
Vape seems to be functioning well, no problem with build construction. Although I did notice the back-end of this unit seems to get quite hot when in use!

(My loaner TI hopper didn't seem to generate this heat)
But I'll deal with it - the vape certainly performs exactly how I wanted it to, and I'm enjoying the flavor at level 3 with this SS.
Call me crazy, but I seem to feel like my SS produces BETTER flavor on the third notch, than my loaner TI from back in November last year (although that one had no hot backend issues)
Still, I'm in love. Halfway tempted to order another one today (so I always have a spare)