To the younger crowd (under 40), typically, two years (and much less for many here) can seem like forever-and-a-day, grating on one's frustration tolerance level and impinging on objectivity and civility. Generally, the inability to keep a strong need for satisfaction at bay is hardwired early on in life, and is a very difficult nut to crack later in life. Granted, for many, unintended delay after delay will tend to wear thinner and thinner - some will decide to fall away, others will stay and allow ongoing disappointment to fester, while still others with take a patient wait & see approach. I am in the 50+ years crowd, and admittedly I am not immune to impatience. However, in the instant case of the GH, I have found it useful to temper my expectations through knowledge, information, and past experiences. Two years for me, despite all of the allegedly inaccurate product and delivery claims, is just a fast-food meal seasoned with grains of salt ...too busy and on-the-go to worry about getting my desert in the same sitting. I do understand the majority sentiments, and only wish to offer points from a perspective that I find have merit and may prove useful to whomever - just putting it out there. Of course, this could be debated ad-nausium, but that shouldn't be necessary.
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