Greetings people! Newbie poster here, long-time toker, switched to vapor 1 month ago. It's been awesome. No matter what vape I ever use for the rest of my life, I'm done combusting. Like, forever. Mission accomplishedI'm here because I'd like to report on my experiences with the Firefly, after attempting to switch from the Pax.
My first vape was/is the Pax. Its been great, but my main complaints with it since day one have been the amount of herb required for optimum use, and the fact that the entire chamber must be consumed in no more than 2-3 vape sessions. So, with the Pax requiring .4-.5g per fill.. (Or .2-.3g with screen trick), it has been feeling super inefficient. When I heard about the Firefly, and its ability (specialty) of only vaping a small amount of herb.. AND only vaping that herb whenever you wish to inhale, had me nearly experiencing buyer's remorse for the Pax. It seemed like I may have jumped too quickly without reading about this perfectly wonderful, efficient, convection vape.
However.. After about 8 days with the Firefly.. I'm in a bit of a pickle, and I'll tell you why, Doug:
Firstly, (and perhaps most importantly), I think my herb may be incompatable with the FF. It's good quality herb.. Always done the trick for me. I get it regularly from one source. It is the only herb I get, ever. It is not what u call sticky or fluffy.. Its more dry and compact buds, breaks down very consistently and very finely ground no matter what. (I always hand grind.) Although a fine, consistent grind is perfect for Pax, I was led to believe, from this thread, and everywhere else, that the FF is fully capable of a fine grind.. And that a course/medium is recommended, but not absolutely essential. However, so far, I'm finding this to be a big issue. In my second session with the FF, I noticed every 3rd or 5th draw, a tiny itty bitty piece of herb would catch fire. It was so small I hardly noticed it, but it was revealed in the taste and smell. Since then, I've tried breaking the bud up and only putting in the small pieces, without pouring in the "dusty" particles. Ive also sped up my draw some.. And the micro-combustion is happening much less frequently. Very rare.. But still happensAdditionally, check this out:
That, is dry herb residue beneath the screen. I've taken the screen out several times to clean that stuff out, a quick scrape and blow seems to do the job.. But it happens after every single session. Ive even noticed some of those pieces turning to ash. Probably because they linger there for so long.
So, thats the herb/grind problem. Next, the hit consistency and high:
I realize the FF takes some personal, patient getting used to.. And I feel I can make it do what I want as far as vapor production and getting a good dark ABV. (Only with frequent stirring/shaking, and not as evenly thru as Pax.) I'm also getting an entirely different high compared to Pax. But don't get me wrong, that's been kinda cool. The FF gives me this airy, uppity, (productive?) high.. But doesn't last but 30 minutes. A session with the Pax feels like a full body massage that can last for hours. Maybe that has something to do with the amount of flower used in each?
That being said, I really want to stress how great of a purchase decision this has been, for both vapes. They both seem to be polar opposites of each other, working in their own unique way, and delivering different, joyful results. Because of that, I can foresee living in harmony with both and having no regrets
So, I guess my dilemmas at the moment are that the FF doesn't seem to like my herb as much as the Pax does... And I wonder what I could do to maximize the use/effect of a single FF bowl (.1-.2g). Any advice, comments, criticisms would be appreciated!
if you don't mind modding your device i would replace the screen to one of those 10 micron ones nothing would get past that
... now im thinking maybe my charger is messed up.
Jyarz.per my previo y s question ... anybody know how best to store say 8 separate gram zip lockettes of different strains? Can I keep them as is standing open in a common humidity controlled jar? or do I have to seal and humidity control each little baggie separately?
any fantastic new storage technologies?
Yeah, i already ordered a new charger so i guess either way ill find out in a few days. Thanks foe the help step is to try his charger in your outlets if he is close-by... but I think you are beyond a maybe here!
after 5 days I am ready to admit, this vape is very good. I am willing to live with the few drawbacks which are understandable since they cant be helped much.
im talking about battery life and smell/odor.
what sets this vape apart and defines it imo
pure convection=pure control
Where you buy that?
I use my ff all day about 6 to 9 full ovens a day. and I have noticed a deep burnt popcorn smell that is very intense. as soon as I pop off the top it reaches my nose right away.What is your odor issue with the FF? I don't notice much smell. Everything stays nicely sealed, and it doesn't seem to throw much odor when opened, at least that I've noticed. (Glad you are digging the FF overall.)
On the Solo thread someone asked me if I got
more sedation with the higher temps and
I compared vaping the same herb in the FF
and the Solo at 6. The FF is a lot like using
the Solo on 3. The difference was major. The
same amount of the same purple kush was a
calm Indica in the FF and a total nose dive
in the Solo at 6. Got to bed quickly. It's not
that the FF wastes anything, just different.
I'm not a big fan of the nose dive anyway;
maybe at bedtime.
What is your odor issue with the FF? I don't notice much smell. Everything stays nicely sealed, and it doesn't seem to throw much odor when opened, at least that I've noticed. (Glad you are digging the FF overall.)
I notice this too.I use my ff all day about 6 to 9 full ovens a day. and I have noticed a deep burnt popcorn smell that is very intense. as soon as I pop off the top it reaches my nose right away.
I do agree that it does not smell like cannabis. it smells like a ABV grenade exploded in my palm.
I notice this too.
So its not that bad if its just laying around in the open. But i keep my FF in my bedside drawer. As soon as i open up the drawer, i get a huge whiff of ABV. Maybe im just paranoid cause im used to the smell but it definitely stinks up whatever i keep the FF in.
Even with the lid on?? I can't imagine how any odor leaks out of it...maybe through the airvents. Mine has no odor whatsoever when closed, and not much when open either.
Well yeah. But how often have you seen moldy citrus? The little maulduses know where mold belongs, and by gawd, I don't know why, but I've never trusted ... No! you're right. I'm gonna try some salad with the "nithin' to lose weed". it's like a Quarter that pharnaceutical ground personnel in CA sold to my Japanese buddy for $100 in lieu of his getting a MMJ card and all that. It's characteristic is that it has probably been passed from one disappointed stoner to another, in the hope someone would buy it. It's neither a high THC nor a high CBD strain; it's like a high Borneol content strain that was used as a stunt prop in DEA "brain on drugs" commercials, and causes zombie death or vacant stare couch lock for like 3 hours. Let's see how those two get along! MMA rules!To just add moisture and not a lemon-scented infusion,
use a bit of lettuce with dry stash.
It's just chlorophyll and water.