I go where the thrills are
What I am requesting is additional specific average values from members for ONE session:
1. Length of time
2. # of draws
3. # stirs or shakes
4. % bowl filled
5. grind level (though this one has been thoroughly discussed)
Can you and others share yours?
About how many times/often do you open lid and stir?
I'm sure you'll agree a successful session is one where retention of this kind of data is simply impossible.

1. Probably takes me a 20-30 minutes to finish off one bowl.
2. Tough to say....more than 20, fewer than 35...maybe? at least 20-25, but i try to get as much as possible out of the material.
3. Wow, I'm a bit OCD, I probably open, stir, break up material slowly, re-compact once every 4 hits. So I probably open the lid 5-6 times a session.
4. not sure what you're asking...I fill it even with the edge of the glass bowl. Tip: the FF does much better with more, not less. You're better off filling it too much than using too little.
5. medium, using fingers...eventually finely ground by the end of the session.
Pressing the heat button my unit glows bright in about 2 seconds glows strong for about 10 seconds then dims a slight amount for another 20 seconds for a total glow time of 30 seconds. Does your unit really take 8 seconds to glow?
I'm with steama on this one, no need to pre-heat. Use your first hit as a set up for the next one. Why waist the battery energy or the vapor? Pressing the heat button and watch the green light go on and off once then the fun starts.
Yes yes yes. Don't pre-heat. Wastes battery life and can cause the first hit to be too hot. Give yourself a four count on the first hit and then start hitting. But holding down the button to warm up the unit without hitting is totally unnecessary. It's convection, so your first hit, unless you potentially over-heat it, is always the "warm-up" hit. The second hit is the first really good hit.

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