How durable is this bad boy? I have a pax and an ascent right now, they've both taken quite a beating. The ascent has a broken screen and the stopper on the side has broken off. But I still like it better than the Pax (flavor lacking and draw resistance sucks). They both use alot of material, I'm really trying to justify buying another portable vape. My boyfriend might lose it if I do. Leaning towards convection this time around. If I dropped this say 4-5 times (like my poor ascent/pax) how would it fair.
Hey, anyone who worries about dropping something way in advance of purchase is a kindred spirit!

I can't even use a beverage glass in my house. You may as well pour it on the floor and save yourself a step.
It all depends on what kind of drop you are talking about. Four feet to concrete, I'm not sure the FF is walking away from that. There's a heating coil that is quite durable and attached by a very stiff wire but it could be misaligned or broken in a bad drop. There's a glass piece on the lid which could break if it fell face down. There's a glass bowl that can get chipped, but it's inside the lid so it's somewhat protected.
I've dropped FFs about two feet to carpeting, and maybe 14 inches, off a couch, to a wood floor. Neither did any damage. But again, I wouldn't wanna drop it too far or too hard. I would guess a Pax would fair better.
But that's not the real reason to buy an FF, and it sounds like you are looking for convection and flavor and conservation of material, and that would be the FF. It's heavy and high-quality and that gives it a durability all its own. In flavor it is out of this world, and I personally haven't tried a vape that can touch it for cool and natural flavor. Given your list of priorities, you should seriously consider it.