It also outperforms the FireFly when it comes to draining my wallet

seriously, I REALLY think the Mighty is sexy and I admit I kind of hate on the Crafty a bit, if you're going to drop $400 on a Vaporizer....what's another $60 to ensure you get the "best" one available (Best being subjective obviously)? That's really my caveat as to why I don't understand why anyone would choose the Crafty over the Mighty....obviously the units design appeals to you, but if money isn't an issue (and it shouldn't if you're spending $400 on a vaporizer) I don't know why you wouldn't get the version that is the creme de la creme, rather than a gimped little brother (from my perspective).
Else, I think the FireFly is the superior machine. Does everything the Crafty does, but its much cheaper. Don't understand how the Crafty would be easier to clean, as the Firefly literally has no parts lol. From what I've read, the FireFly and Crafty have pretty similar battery life (4-5 bowls) I also don't really think the Crafty would be easier to use, seeing as you have to use a 3rd party device (smartphone) to adjust your temperatures. Firefly you just hit the button and go...obviously some skill and experience is required for YOUR personal best session, but all vapes have a bit of a learning curve. That being said, I don't own a Crafty, so I don't really know, this is all just opinion and based on what I've researched.
Too all of you saying you are having battery issues....I got a unit in November (Believe it came in....11/15?) and I have not encountered any of the battery issues you are experiencing. I get about 4-5 bowls worth, 4 if I am packing them more on the full side. I get about 5-6 monster hits per bowl, holding the button down for 15-20 seconds each time. Also, hold the button down for 10 seconds when I start my session and pull a little air in to "preheat" the chamber. I don't know if it is good for it or not, but basically whenever my FF is not in use, I am putting it on the charger. If I had been running it for a while, it charges up in the 45 min time advertised, if I only used a bowl or two, it charges in significantly less time.....when its done charging, I pull it from the charger, though there have been a few nights I've passed out while its been charging.
Also, I know it says for Flower use only, but I recently came upon some hash and have been breaking little chunks to nestle into my FF bowls....A++++ Haven't noticed my screen or bowl being significantly dirtier from it, though my bud at the end of the session looks much darker then normal vape (I suspect as the hash vaporizes it spreads over it to give it a darker color)
@kayaman , I was utilizing that technique, but try this, I have found it delivers a much bigger "cloud" and a bigger lung buster......after you pack your FF, hold the button for 5-7 seconds then inhale for like 2-3 seconds....STOP hitting the button and STOP inhaling. After like 2-3 seconds, hold the button again and inhale for 7-10 seconds, pause, let go of the button and STOP inhaling....hit button again and inhale...rinse and repeat...only draw from the Firefly when not hitting the button towards the end of your "hit" or "sesh" if you prefer....reason being, is that you are drawing hot air in when you inhale + holding are drawing cold air in when you are inhaling - holding button......consequently you can keep the chamber hotter if you stop inhaling when you stop pushing the button.....I have found it provides for a much bigger toke. Can cash a bowl in about 5 of these hits, and it is like...85% vaped? Idk, but its pretty brown, not combusted but definitely vaped thoroughly. Only reason I say 85, is because I don't stir my bowl usually and see a piece or two of green floating around occasionally. I recommend preheating it like I said, as I find getting the bowl a little hot before you really START vaping has allowed for a better experience.